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Originally posted by jliechty
As a recnt "switcher" the biggest problem that I have with Safari is the inability to simply e-mail a webpage to somebody, this seems like it should be the simplest feature to include. You should be able to go to services-mail-email page. What is apple thinking not including this???

highlight the address then go to Services > Mail > (choose option).

Re: I like much of how Safari works. *BUT*

Originally posted by RndmAxess
My main complaints center on bookmarks. This is one area where Safari get a failing grade.

I haven't figured out a way to sort bookmarks in Safari. I have even tried to "select all," then drag them to a folder on my desktop. I thought this would give me the ability to sort them how I choose using the finder, and also give me a backup of my bookmarks. Then after my finder sort/backup I would drag the sorted list back into Safari.

The problem is that only the *first* selected bookmark gets copied to the desktop. I have an enormous number of bookmarks, so doing this one at a time is out of the question.

My other bookmark complaint is that URL autofill doesn't recognize partial url/name entries. So if I don't type in the correct url starting from the beginning it won't find it at all. And searching by bookmark name rather than address isn't available at all!

For example: if I wanted to find previously bookmarked "" and type in "local" I get ZERO. What if I can only remember the name of the paper or the name of the bookmark, but not the exact url? If I type "The New York Times" I get nothing. Explorer does this quickly and easily, why can't Safari?

And because I can't sort the bookmarks either by name or url I have to search manually down the list. What point is that when it's faster to google my search? If there is a way to do this let me know, and I will humbly retract my complaint. I don't care about being wrong, I just want to get some work done.

On a positive note I really like that I can use iSync to synchronize Safari bookmarks with my computers, even if I can't sort them later.
You see that little book icon to the right of all the stuff in the bookmark bar? You click that and sort all your bookmarks in there. I'm guessing you didn't see the keynote?
I really like Safari, and use it for 95% of my web browsing at home, since I switched to the Mac.

But I have two and a half issues with it:

1) As someone else mentionned, it doesn't multithread as much as I'd like, so when loading a lot of tabs I have to wait to be able to interact with existing, fully loaded, tabs, which I don't think should happen.

2) When I open a lot of tabs, instead of putting whatever doesn't fit across the window into a drop down list, instead I would prefer to have an additional row of tabs.

3) I don't know how to bookmark all of my tabs at once. I don't know if it's possible or not.

- Mark Collette
Has anybody tried Mozilla Firebird? It's prolly about 2 times faster safari, and it's free. It's got a nice icon, too.

But then again, I've been burned by Apple so I'm going linux on my next computer...

Off topic? moi?:p
Originally posted by Paolo30
Has anybody tried Mozilla Firebird? It's prolly about 2 times faster safari, and it's free. It's got a nice icon, too.

But then again, I've been burned by Apple so I'm going linux on my next computer...

Off topic? moi?:p

I actually replaced the icon, that's the only thing about Firebird I don't like :p

I love Firebird overall--IMHO it feels faster than Camino or Safari, renders pages better than Safari, and the UI feels more Mac-like than Camino to me (at least in the newer pre-0.8 builds; Firebird 0.7 and earlier had a bug-ugly XP-like theme). If I'm Bill Gates I'd love Safari--by giving KHTML a boost instead of Gecko it fragments the already tiny non-IE world even further, helping ensure lazy web developers only test on IE.
2 times faster? Not on my computer. It takes a bit longer to start up, and loads pages about as fast. I much prefer the cleaner look of Safari, and it's easier bookmark sorting. That said, Firebird is a good browser, and it's far from being the crap that IE is, but due to the interface, it's my backup. Except on my school's intranet thing, schedule stuff needs IE :mad:
Originally posted by jliechty
As a recnt "switcher" the biggest problem that I have with Safari is the inability to simply e-mail a webpage to somebody, this seems like it should be the simplest feature to include. You should be able to go to services-mail-email page. What is apple thinking not including this???

Hi jliechty,

As has already been suggested, you could use OS X's built-in services menu to accomplish this, but I, like you, wanted a 'one-click' solution to this, so I added an item on my bookmark bar with this code:


(To add this to your bookmark bar, copy the code above, click on Bookmarks->show all bookmarks, slect the bookmarks bar, click the '+' at the bottom of the right-hand pane to add an item, name it something like 'Email this URL', and paste the code into the address portion. URL emailing).

I like Safari

Originally posted by jliechty
As a recnt "switcher" the biggest problem that I have with Safari is the inability to simply e-mail a webpage to somebody, this seems like it should be the simplest feature to include. You should be able to go to services-mail-email page. What is apple thinking not including this???

You need to hightlight the link and then the above will work, I just tried it with Panther. Also, you can just grab the URL and drag it onto your desktop or into Mail.
Furthermore, Safari has done a better job than Mozilla or Camino in rendering certain sites I go to and I really like Tabbed Browsing and how it handles bookmarks which is much easier to organize into catagories, etc. The Google toolbar is also cool.
Could Safari be better, yes, but it is the best free browser.
Originally posted by multifinder
If I'm Bill Gates I'd love Safari--by giving KHTML a boost instead of Gecko it fragments the already tiny non-IE world even further, helping ensure lazy web developers only test on IE.

are you a professional web designer?...if you are, then you know that that is incorrect...i know more people testing much more extensively these days...and with css on the rise, this helps too...

i've been building a web application that works on all browsers...and i've been pretty impressed with safari for being only a version 1 so far...

because it uses compliant code (not that bork that m$ puts out) it has really kept me in line...although it css support needs to be ramped up even more...

however, i do like firebird quite alot, although i generally use safari...
Originally posted by bryanc
Hi jliechty,

As has already been suggested, you could use OS X's built-in services menu to accomplish this, but I, like you, wanted a 'one-click' solution to this, so I added an item on my bookmark bar with this code:


(To add this to your bookmark bar, copy the code above, click on Bookmarks->show all bookmarks, slect the bookmarks bar, click the '+' at the bottom of the right-hand pane to add an item, name it something like 'Email this URL', and paste the code into the address portion. URL emailing).


Brilliant! Thanks. (BTW I had to delete the space between 'java' and 'script').

An even easier way of bookmarking the code is to paste it into the address bar and then drag it into the bookmark bar.
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