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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 5, 2005
Dallas, Tx
hello everyone

i'm sorry in advance if this is a double post.

So- my ipod died. and the new ipods released today are nice. And i'm a college student. So, hypothetically, could I walk into an apple store tomorrow, give them my old, dead ipod for recycling and buy a new ipod (given they have them in stock) and save the 10% from the recycling program and then use my student discount on top of that? I tried looking for some fine print on the website but couldn't find any anywhere .... if so this would be very nice.

thanks for anyone who can help me clear this up.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 16, 2002
Los Angeles
student discounts are avalable in store, for HARDWARE, not software

so techincally, you should get the discount on the iPod ----- I know that I've gotten an iPod before with student discount at the store - unless that has changed?


macrumors 6502a
Jan 14, 2004
MikeJett86 said:
So- my ipod died. and the new ipods released today are nice. And i'm a college student. So, hypothetically, could I walk into an apple store tomorrow, give them my old, dead ipod for recycling and buy a new ipod (given they have them in stock) and save the 10% from the recycling program and then use my student discount on top of that? I tried looking for some fine print on the website but couldn't find any anywhere .... if so this would be very nice.

Yes, you can walk in and get your student discount. I've seen no exclusions that prevent you from stacking the 10% ontop of that. You will just need to bring in your student ID.


macrumors newbie
Jun 27, 2005

actually, i was at the apple store two days ago and i asked the same question.
The associate told me that only one will apply. Its either 10% or student discount...u be the judge.


macrumors newbie
Sep 28, 2005
not really recycling

I took my dead ipod in to get it looked at. I dropped it multiple times, it was a real survivor until I finally pushed it over the edge. Anyway I took it in to the local apple store, the guy plugs it in, he's like oh it doesn't work. First thing "no kidding"? then he tells me that I can send it in to get it fixed but that might end up costing more than a new ipod. But I can get a 10% discount for recylcing it. So I take it home, take it apart (I find this interesting, Its broke, so what can I lose). Then the nano's come out so I go to the store to buy a nano, fill out the paper work to get the recycling discount, oh wait, you've taken it apart, we can't recycle it. So on that happy note I didn't get my 10% discount but I did get $20 off for a student discount. So no big loss, except the environment will suffer when I throw my used ipod in the garbage instead of recycling it. I guess apple just isn't as responsible as I had thought. oh well.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 19, 2005
Perth, Oztrailya
paddy32 said:
So no big loss, except the environment will suffer when I throw my used ipod in the garbage instead of recycling it.

You can still recycle it you know. Don't throw it in the bin, find out where your local electronics disposal place is. And take your old PC/TV/microwave while you're at it. :)
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