Whyapple said:I am really beginning to doubt the Company, and although I have mentally made the decision to switch from a windows pc am really struggling now to make that leap of faith in the light of so much uncertainty!!
What's the best option, to wait it out until approx 12 months time or hope that something definite is announced in the next week or two - it's doing my head in?
Who is the person on this forum with the crystal ball?
If you're waiting for the latest technology you'll never buy a computer. My Powerbook does everything I need it to do and just because Mactels will be out sometime next year isn't driving me around the twist, after all I have no intention of buying a first release version of a Mactel. Take the current line of Powerbooks for example, I'm on revision D for goodness sake , and I'm sure the Mactels will go through the same process. Does that mean when you've waited for the Mactels that you'll then wait for the next update of it or maybe the next or maybe the next after that??
Just because a pentium chip is going into Macs next year doesn't mean the ppc chips will suddenly cease to work or that companies will stop developing for ppc, there are millions of us out there you know (the world is a big place).