Attached is the 27" 2010 iMac's EDID in Target Display Mode from
via the RX 460, and the EDID as read by SwitchResX on the iMac itself
after deleting the override file.
Those two match (AGDiagnose and SwitchResX without override).
It seems the override in your previous post just removes a 1280x720 mode (a quarter of the native 2560x1440 mode).
1280x720@59.855Hz 44.772kHz 74.50MHz h(64 128 192 -) v(3 5 20 +)
Question: does the display support this timing? Does the display support any other timings?
I know for my Apple 30" Cinema Display, it only supports 2560x1600 (dual link DVI) and 1280x800 (single link DVI) and it doesn't use any interpolation for scaling up the 1280x800 - it just quadruples each pixel. So you can see a difference between the 1280x800 timing (scaled up by the display - it's blocky) and a 1280x800 scaled mode (scaled up by the GPU - it's smooth).
My Acer XV273K can take any timing (between 24Hz and 144Hz from 342x192 to 8K) and uses interpolation for scaling.