My situation is the opposite. I didn't see any significant performance difference when I replaced a 2010 iMac with a 2020 iMac, and I don't see it either between a 2017 MBP 15" and an M1 MBA. The difference is there if I deliberately pay attention to it or if I try to measure it, but it doesn't affect normal use. In most cases, network latency has a bigger effect than CPU speed on the performance of the software I use.Just a personal opinion.
For me and my workflow I don't really want more cores, I want more singel threaded performance because that is what I would notice the most. Doubling the cores would have very little performance gain in my case.
What I did see is that on the 10-core iMac, I can compile and run tests for macOS and Linux versions of software at the same time, and there are still enough free CPU cores for normal desktop use. It would be even better if I could do that without the fans making angry noises.