will be getting a classic Mac Pro soon - a used one.
on ebay i see sometimes a good deal on a high spec Mac Pro.. but given the nature of them are to be used more strenuously (and i intend to use it very intensively for video encoding, almost constantly for awhile) i wondered if i should get one with the warranty that some "store" sellers provide them with? but they tend to go for more (VAT difference as well). My concern is their history of use might bring them close to the 'brink' of not lasting much longer, and i might end up killing it and ending up with a massive paper weight.
this concern stems from the fact that my first Mac was a MacBook Pro (Late 2011 15inch) which suffered the dGPU failure issue, i never did much gaming on it but i did a lot of encoding on it which i felt contributed to its death. it had Apple Care so it the logic board etc was replaced. I thought Mac Pro's may run cooler with less stress (more cores) but i think i was wrong. so hence my question and my concern - do Mac Pro's die from this kind of work after a time? how durable are they? should i bother with 'warranty' with sellers on ebay?
in short, my question;
MBP 2011 died from dGPU /overheating / heavy use
Looking at Mac Pro's (12 cores)
Do they die? are there stories or a trend of cases where they have died after heavy use? or do they just keep on going for many many years?