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Hi am new to mac as well and was going to buy intego before I found this forum. Just was curious how you know what apps are trust worthy as i have already found hundreds just not downloaded as I don't know who to trust.

I take it the downloads available on the mac site are trustworthy but what do they mean when they are classed as shareware instead of freeware?:eek:

Really appreciate any help.

Intego found one virus a Mac I had (maybe this one? I don't remember) and then it stopped working. This was the PAID version. I second the use of the freeware ClamXav. Which I run occasionally. I think it found one malware once and got rid of it.

Since then, nothing. For the most part, Macs are virus-free. It doesn't hurt to use something like ClamXav.
Virus protection

I have had no issues with virus on my Imac since I made the switch in March 2009. In fact, my wife's pc became so infected that I had had enough of fighting with virus and malware on a PC.

I bought her a mac mini as a replacement, run no virus protection, and have had no problems. She loves to visit the social websites (myspace, facebook etc) where I believe she got the bugs in her pc. Now if something isn't right the mac-mini warns her.

We love our Macs and I hope all you PC owners stay PC owners.
Intego found one virus a Mac I had ...
If it found a virus, it was a Windows virus (unless you were running a very old version of Mac OS), and would have no effect on Mac OS X.
For the most part, Macs are virus-free.
Unless it's running something other than Mac OS X, Macs are currently completely virus-free.... not just "for the most part."
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