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IJ Reilly said:
The newest the three Macs I've got in service these days is nearly three years old. The one I use the most is six years old. The third is about four years old.

Maybe that's why they work so well. :)

I do think it's an excellent point that you may never need the extended warranty. I think it all just comes down to what level of risk you're willing to take.
Sideonecincy said:
I bought applecare with my powermac g5 and my ibook g4 and never used it 1 time in the 3 years ive owned either computer. Thought it was a waste of money until recently. My dad got an iMac g5 and his optical drive went out, about $250, then his logic board went out, $810. So it would've costed $1060 to get all this stuff fixed if it wasnt for applecare.
That's the beauty of it... You just NEVER know. Computers are 100% unpredictable and an electronic device can fail at any time without reason. I'd rather have purchased AppleCare and not use it a single time in 3 years than not have it and then have to worry about something failing after the 1 year warranty is up. All personal preference I suppose!
IJ Reilly said:
The newest the three Macs I've got in service these days is nearly three years old. The one I use the most is six years old. The third is about four years old. I'm not sorry that I didn't get AppleCare for any of them because together the price tag on the policies would have been at least $600, and all but one would have expired already without me collecting a penny in benefits. With the money I saved, I figure I'm already about half-way towards buying a new MacBook, which is what I'll probably do if or when my old PowerBook takes a dive, instead of repairing it.

You are lucky. Congratulations. Not as lucky as me, though...

I've had my entire computer replaced with a new model, because AppleCare couldn't repair mine. How's that for a return? Factor in my educational discount, and AppleCare is money.

You should also realize that Macs retain value even after obsolescence. Therefore, coverage increases the resale, as others have already said.
So far, I have not used Applecare for my Macs (4 of them). My Ti's AC has expired last year and 15" PB will expire later this year. My 12" PB/iBook's AC will expire in about 2 years.
For the next Mac, I think I will take a chance not to get the AC. I think my odds can be good under the following conditions:

1. determine the reliablity of the machine for the first 6 or 9 months. If the unit is faulty, I guess the problems will show up early on. If I see no problem, I feel I would have a better chance of using the machine over 3 years at least without major problems.

2. purchase after reviewing what other users are saying and posting on the forums. So far, my hunch tells me the current MBP and MB are a little bit too high on the risky side, simply because of it is rev A and also because of quite a few posts on problems.
Demon Hunter said:
You are lucky. Congratulations. Not as lucky as me, though...

I've had my entire computer replaced with a new model, because AppleCare couldn't repair mine. How's that for a return? Factor in my educational discount, and AppleCare is money.

You should also realize that Macs retain value even after obsolescence. Therefore, coverage increases the resale, as others have already said.

I don't consider myself lucky at all. In fact I think my experience is probably more or less average. As for obsolescence, I don't consider a Mac less than three years old to be obsolete.
manic said:
I know that ill regret not getting applecare if my macbook develops some kind of issue, but whats your history with appl eproducts. was you applecare useful to you? it seems expensive to me and i never really had a problem with my PCs (im a switcher). Are repairs overly expensive? is it a must to get applecare or has the majoruty of users gone well without it? thanks

This isn't apple related, but my brand new 27" Wega bit it after the 90 warranty was up, so on large purchases I always take the extended warranty. If you have it, you can rest easier, hands down. I'd suggest the extended warranty on anything over a couple hundred bucks just for peace of mind.
Does Applecare for MBs costs as much as those for MBP? If so then it is totally not worth it!

Otherwise go for it.
reubs said:
This isn't apple related, but my brand new 27" Wega bit it after the 90 warranty was up, so on large purchases I always take the extended warranty. If you have it, you can rest easier, hands down. I'd suggest the extended warranty on anything over a couple hundred bucks just for peace of mind.

You're right, it isn't Apple-related, if only because the basic warranty from Apple is one year. Most electronics, if they're going to fail, will do so within a few months of use, as your experience indicates.
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