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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 12, 2005
California, US
I am about to buy a macbook as a general use laptop. Nothing special, just the basics. I have a dual 2.0 G5 for all my tough stuff so the low end macbook would be just fine for me. Plus, I dont know if I like the idea of having a laptop that is just as good or better than my tower.

So here is my delema. I want the black one but with my educational discount it only comes down to $1400. The low end one is at $1050.

Is it worth is? I dont need the speed. $350 for looks? Please tell me what you think.
Do you want a gloss finish on your notebook? If so, go with white.

The black finish is matte (flat).

Only you can make up your mind which is better.

Will you go with your heart, or your mind...or maybe both?
e-clipse said:
Do you want a gloss finish on your notebook? If so, go with white.

The black finish is matte (flat).

Only you can make up your mind which is better.

I like the matte finish. I like the look of the computer. That is my question though, is it worth $350 just to get a computer that LOOKS better to me.

I understand it is my choice but I am just looking for some advice. Maybe I should be asking different questions.

Is the black looking like it will have a higher resale value in the future? Is it going to retain it's premium price or do people not really care? Do majority of the people around here think black looks better or are there just a few of us? Does anyone out there have some reason I am not thinking of to buy one over the other? Is there some reason the white one may be better? The black one better?
darwen said:
I am about to buy a macbook as a general use laptop. Nothing special, just the basics. I have a dual 2.0 G5 for all my tough stuff so the low end macbook would be just fine for me. Plus, I dont know if I like the idea of having a laptop that is just as good or better than my tower.

So here is my delema. I want the black one but with my educational discount it only comes down to $1400. The low end one is at $1050.

Is it worth is? I dont need the speed. $350 for looks? Please tell me what you think.
$350 isn't just for looks. You get a SuperDrive and a bigger HD plus the color difference.
DMPDX said:
$350 isn't just for looks. You get a SuperDrive and a bigger HD plus the color difference.

...and, while you said you didn't need it, it is noticeably faster (even with basic iLife applications). The resale value of the blackbook will be higher than that of the white laptop - not just because its initial value was higher, but because of its higher speed, larger hard drive, resistancy to scratches, and Superdrive.
AvSRoCkCO1067 said:
The resale value of the blackbook will be higher than that of the white laptop - not just because its initial value was higher, but because of its higher speed, larger hard drive, and Superdrive.

Obviously the extra power is what I am paying for, I know that. Even the white model speced out to meet the black costs $150 less though.

AvSRoCkCO1067 said:
resistancy to scratches

Thats a keyword for me. Is the black more scratch resistant simply because of the matte finish. Obviously it is doing better than the iPod did with the black finish.
I personally think that the white Macbook is iconic Apple, whereas if somebody didn't notice the Apple logo on your Mac, then its nothing more than an average laptopn, when its clearly much more than that! lol

Like I said, I think white, plus the upgrades you want.

Go with the one that you like the best.....if you can afford the black one and it is your favorite then buy it.....Buy what you like the most or you will be thinking about the one you didn't get the entire time.....Good Luck on your purchase.
macdaddy121 said:
Go with the one that you like the best.....if you can afford the black one and it is your favorite then buy it.....Buy what you like the most or you will be thinking about the one you didn't get the entire time.....Good Luck on your purchase.

Good advice. I cant really afford the black right now but I will be ablet to in a week or two. If I go with the white I will be upset every time I see a black one. Then again, it is money I dont need to spend. This is so difficult! Whay cant they just make both processors avalable in black!
darwen said:
Good advice. I cant really afford the black right now but I will be ablet to in a week or two. If I go with the white I will be upset every time I see a black one. Then again, it is money I dont need to spend. This is so difficult! Whay cant they just make both processors avalable in black!
As far as the surface is concerned, I've seen some sporadic reports of the matte finish coming off of the black MacBook. FYI. Value wise, and looks wise, the black is nicer. Comes down to what you can afford and prefer over all other reasons.
I'll tell you all this, the black MacBook looks totally unique - it does not look like a generic PC laptop, have you seen them? They're all shiny cheap silver plastic now.

The BlackBook is absolutely gorgeous, the design alone sets it apart from other PC laptops and it's rip-snortingly fast.
It sounds to me like you really want the black. Go with your gut and just suck it up and buy it! That said, I just bought a Tamron 17-50 lens instead of the Nikon 17-55DX. And, my gut said to get the Nikon, but I went cheap at the last second. So, buy the black or have regrets! I am now going to cry and take some pics with my dumb, crappy Tamron lens... :p :eek:
once you go black, you never go back. . . or i think thats what people say.

there are only 2 good reasons to ask.

1) you really want it, you just want to justify it a little more


2) you kinda want it, but you could think of something youd rather spend the extra money on, and you just need someone to point that out to you.

my tastes would be go for the black. i really like how it looks. i just wish they had it in 15"!!!!
darwen said:
Good advice. I cant really afford the black right now but I will be ablet to in a week or two. If I go with the white I will be upset every time I see a black one. Then again, it is money I dont need to spend. This is so difficult! Whay cant they just make both processors avalable in black!

Simple decision from everything you said so far.

Wait a few weeks or a month for when you can afford it in Black. If not you will always regret it and look at your white MacBook--damn I should have waited a few more weeks for the black one.

You already answered your own question. You are just looking for us to confirm your decision. Wait and go Black!
Go black. You know you want to :D

Seriously, it's really a matter of aesthetics and if you want to spend the extra bucks. Best thing you can do is go to a store and look at them both in person. In the end, you'll be happy with either one.
Sounds like we are having a discussion on race.... Black or White??

I think colour aside you have to choose what you really need from the MacBook to make the best choice.
For what it is worth, the black matte finish is better at keeping off scratches because it doesnt have a high gloss coat. The white ones, much like the iPod will scratch real easily. It wont be a huge scratch, but a microscratch.

As for your concern of retaining value and such, it really depends on how Apple will market the black macbook later on. If they decide it will simply be an option instead of a premium later on, it will hold as much value as the white macbooks. If they continue to sell the color for a premium, you might see it sell better later on.
ezekielrage_99 said:
Sounds like we are having a discussion on race.... Black or White??

I think colour aside you have to choose what you really need from the MacBook to make the best choice.

Tho be honest, I think most of these posts are about race.

I know I will be happy with either of the computers. I know the black one looks better and these replies are confirming that. I have been in the apple store almost every day for the past week (the guys there know me now). I still really want the black one but I dont think I am going to get it. It truly is money I dont need to spend. Of course I will regret not getting the black one. If I get the white one I may regret spending the money though.

I will put it this way. I always regret my purchases. I bought a tablet 6 months ago because it was cool but the novelty soon wore off. Now I am trying to get rid of it. I am buying a computer, not a new outfit. I just need it to work well. Sure the black looks cool and I would feel great owning it but I would feel worse if something happened to it. Plus, I am probably going to get bored of it in a year anyways and want to get rid of it. I might as well buy the lowest end model because in the long run, it will give me the best bang for my buck and have the best resale vs. original price.

I really do thank you all for your time. I hate to be the one that posts a whining I cant make up my mind topic but heck, at least you guys helped me. I am going with the right one for me.
black gets greasy, not long after you start using your blackbook keys will lose their matte'ness and go shiny, especially the trackpad. If you really value the looks, then you'll also be constantly wiping the blackbook because of all the fingerprints.

Get 'classic apple' White.
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