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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 21, 2006
Some Place Only You Know...
Well i am in the market for a notebook. I need one for school and i intend to do web/word procezin/pics/films also the ocasional photo editing and games.:eek:

the notebook needz to be portable and seeing as i have been using windowz for, well since i started computers...i find it easy and am accusomed to it.

what are the benefits of switching to macz and will i find it all easy to switch staight for xp?

btw- i am looking for a machine that does the above, is reasonably light and looks guuud. :cool:

Any advice apreciated
A big benefit of OS X is the built-in spell checker.

Seriously, do you need people to tell you why to switch? There must be a hundred threads on this already. Better yet, go to a store, play around with one, and see what you think.

EDIT: good to see that you're still posting here in Nice, neocell, and that your snarky-meter is calibrated with mine :)
dextertangocci said:


You're probably joking, but if not:

Just guit playing games, and you are good to go. Macs just oozes style, and I really like mac os compared to windows. But just ask if you could borrow one from your friends for a day, maybe you won't like it all.
there are hundreds of posts on this topic already.

if you don't want to use a mac, why are you here? if you need to be convinced, then i don't think you deserve to use an apple computer.
batman123 said:
i think u need to chill out mate

i am chill, thank you. i didn't intend for that post to be read as a rant-like statement where i'm coming down on you for not being able to decide.

you said you're accustomed to windows but you're on a mac forum, so you must know something about macs. you're also a "regular" which means you've contributed to the forums more than occasionally and hopefully learned a few things in the process. so why do you need to be convinced? if you're happy in your windows world, stay there. but you have to know by now that macs have certain advantages over windows machines and that you can even run windows on the new intel macs, should you decide that you don't like the mac OS afer you've purchased the notebook.

there are no surprises here: you know the advantages and disadvantages of both OSes and the advantages and disadvantages of both types of hardware. research some more in the other forums and you'll see what it's like to switch and how to make the most of your new machine, but don't pretend you don't know the benefits of switching.
gauchogolfer said:
You're probably joking, but if not:



I feel stupid because I did not know that. I've been copy and pasting into MS Word or using Firefox if I want to check spelling on a post.
pianoman said:
i am chill, thank you. i didn't intend for that post to be read as a rant-like statement where i'm coming down on you for not being able to decide.

you said you're accustomed to windows but you're on a mac forum, so you must know something about macs. you're also a "regular" which means you've contributed to the forums more than occasionally and hopefully learned a few things in the process. so why do you need to be convinced? if you're happy in your windows world, stay there. but you have to know by now that macs have certain advantages over windows machines and that you can even run windows on the new intel macs, should you decide that you don't like the mac OS afer you've purchased the notebook.

there are no surprises here: you know the advantages and disadvantages of both OSes and the advantages and disadvantages of both types of hardware. research some more in the other forums and you'll see what it's like to switch and how to make the most of your new machine, but don't pretend you don't know the benefits of switching.

ta piano :eek:

so lets just say i buy a macbook, and i install xp, and then discover for some strage, unknown reason i hate OS. Can i uninstall it completly and just run windowz on my b-e-a-utiful macbook?
Dude, get the Mac, OS X is super stable, perfect for your school work, is very safe from viruses, hell just go to Apple's site, and find out why you want one!

Plus, you can run windows via bootcamp, for all your gaming needs, so its virtually the perfect system..

And looks, well you show me something, computer wise :p , which is better looking than a Mac!

Hope you make the right choice buddy!

Hmmm, yeah it really is nice, I've always like Vaio's but they've always just seemed so weak...

Apple for me! lol

batman123 said:
dont get me wrong the mac(s) all of them... are great design but i have to say PC wise....the vaio sz...phoar! :cool:

Dude, Sony hasn't made a decent computer yet.

Go get a MacBook, problem solved.

But, not this weekend!
batman123 said:
ta piano :eek:

so lets just say i buy a macbook, and i install xp, and then discover for some strage, unknown reason i hate OS. Can i uninstall it completly and just run windowz on my b-e-a-utiful macbook?

i believe you can, but im not sure. i do know that if anything goes wrong, you arent covered by apple, so that is your choice entirely.

EDIT: Also, if you just want to use Windows, which it sounds like you do.. then just buy a windows machine, it would be cheaper. and you sound young too, so would suit your price range.
buffalo said:

I feel stupid because I did not know that. I've been copy and pasting into MS Word or using Firefox if I want to check spelling on a post.

In fact, the native text widget in OSX has that built in, so as long as the application uses the native text boxes, and not its own custom one, you can use that. Nice huh?
I went from using XP for most of my life to using Macs much like you're thinking of doing and haven't looked back since. I was a little nervous at first due to some stories and rumors I've heard about how Macs just won't work with PCs and you can't share files, etc. I found all this to be untrue. I picked up a copy of Microsoft Office For Mac (Student/Teacher Edition) and haven't had one problem synching, emailing, sharing files, etc. with XP machines. You can look at Apples website for more info, but here's a few of my favorite features on Mac OSX and my new MacBook.

1) Built in spellchecker in Safari.

2) iLife. I think you mentioned that you like to work with music/photos/videos. Well, iLife has you covered. iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD, and Garageband are all great programs that I use a lot. I use Adobe Photoshop for serious editing, but you'll be doing that on a PC too. No PC comes with this great (or any really) bundled software.

3) Built in iSight in my MacBook along with PhotoBooth. Great for quick video chats on the go or in coffee shops and PhotoBooth is a great app for taking pictures of things around you and sending them to people without having to use your digital camera.

4) Spotlight. Amazing search technology that searches not only all your text/video/photo/music files but also emails, etc. and does it all incredibly fast. I abandoned organizing or even thinking about making folders long ago thanks to Spotlight.

5) No Viruses. Okay, so THERE ARE virus for Max OSX, but most are simply proof of concept, none have ever been released wide spread. Plus, compared to Windows XP (or any copy of Windows) OSX is far superior. Grab a virus protection program to be safe when you buy a Mac, although you'll probably never have to use it . . . ever.

6) No crashes. I've had my Mac for over a year (my MacBook for only a month or two) and haven't had any crashes on either system. My old Dell made is about 2 months before it started crashing regularly.

Okay, there you are. Visit the Apple site for more or, better yet, go to an Apple store and try one out. Sorry for any spelling errors, I'm too lazy to edit this . . . oh wait, I don't need to, Safari has a built in spellchecker. Peace Out.
MacBook User said:
4) Spotlight. Amazing search technology that searches not only all your text/video/photo/music files but also emails, etc. and does it all incredibly fast. I abandoned organizing or even thinking about making folders long ago thanks to Spotlight.

Maybe I'm the only one, but I find Spotlight to be kind of useless...maybe I just don't use searching enough for it to be of any benefit to me.

Who knows! lol
batman123 said:
so lets just say i buy a macbook, and i install xp, and then discover for some strage, unknown reason i hate OS. Can i uninstall it completly and just run windowz on my b-e-a-utiful macbook?

according to other recent posts, it is my understand that you can absolutely delete the mac partition, but you will lose the privilege of having apple service your computer, should the need arise. also, bootcamp is only in beta version and is not the most stable way to have an operating system installed on your machine, at least not yet. until a final version is released, your best bet is to keep OSX installed. i think if apple releases a bootcamp update, you'll only be able to download it using Software Update, which would be inaccessible (nonexistant, really) if you deleted the OSX partition.

it seems like you're debating between the macbook and the sony you posted a picture of. if you're really having a hard time convincing yourself that a macbook is the right choice, buy the sony. most people who want to switch are eager to do so... it seems that you're looking for reasons NOT to switch, which is the wrong attitude when buying a computer that will probably cost you around $2,000.
You want a Mac because

Your professionalism is at risk without a professional machine.

How many people switch from a Mac to a PC?

How many people complain that their Mac has too many viruses?

What kind of computer can run Windows, OS X, Linux and whatever else all on one machine?

Who has the iDominatethemp3playermarketpod that works so seamlessly with your iCandoanythingonmynewmacintosh?

MacBook Pro baby :cool:
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