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Yes yes you do! I only made the switch last week and I am soooo glad I did. If I didn't have so many PC apps I wouldn't have kept my PC (plus mum likes her PC :p)
Get a PC.

Here's why:

1) Choice. You choose what you want in your computer.
2) Price. No Apple premium.
3) Games. Mac gamimg? Huh?
If XP does what you want it to, when you want it to, why change OS.. that said i'd still buy a MacBook(light weight on the go computer) this way when XP screws you over you can boot in Mac OS X.. going with a PC(Dell, HP ect) you lose the option to boot OS X

But once you try OS X i'll bet you'll love it, but if not you can run XP on you Mac... really what do you have to lose?
Really depends on your needs, you didn't mention what you'd be needing it for.

For my case, I'd probably only get the following Macs:

1) MBP
2) MB
3) Mini

No PowerMac, no Mac Pro, no iMac. IMO OSX is the best thing you can have on the road, where you really need the reliability and don't have access (or the time) to do a system restore from the many Windows XP CDs. Also MacOS stays "clean" unlike Windows and doesn't get cluttered and slowed down over time (read: Windows registry).

On a desktop that advantage diminishes quite significantly. Firstly if you aren't a content creation user (think: FCP, Aperture, and the likes) you can pretty much do what you want on Windows, since there are also Windows ports of common pro apps like Adobe CS. For the rest of us, you only really need the clock cycles for.. games. In fact most other "productivity" apps like email and browsing can easily (and I mean easily) be handled by computers that are 3-4 years old. Hence why bother with a Mac workstation if you aren't going to exploit its power?

That said, on the mobile front processors are going dual core. That, IMO is really the biggest progression for mobiles we've seen in a long while.
If you want to save on desk space and dont want to do serious gaming I'd go for the mini. Cute little thing that works great. Graphics arent 100% but if you surf the net/mp3s/email/word processing and a few other things its perfect for you and not too expensive (If you want to go the mac that is)
Ta peeps. As stated, my decision is between any mac notebook and a vaio sz. the only reason that i would want to stay with PC's i have decided, is because i am so used to them and all their apps etc, also because the sz is only 1.6 kg with a 13.3 scrren and is as powerful as a macpro :D

any how i think that getting a mac is what i want :p
i can always install xp if needs be and keep my desktop on xp, so its all guud! :cool:

Ta for help guys.
batman123 said:
dont get me wrong the mac(s) all of them... are great design but i have to say PC wise....the vaio sz...phoar! :cool:


Is it just the picture or is the trackpad of this thing not in the middle? I never understood the reason why some laptops are build like this, as it is not practical because most of the time when I'm not typing I have one hand on the trackpad and the other on the keyboard for shortcuts AND it looks plain ugly imo.
batman123 said:
Ta peeps. As stated, my decision is between any mac notebook and a vaio sz. the only reason that i would want to stay with PC's i have decided, is because i am so used to them and all their apps etc, also because the sz is only 1.6 kg with a 13.3 scrren and is as powerful as a macpro :D

any how i think that getting a mac is what i want :p
i can always install xp if needs be and keep my desktop on xp, so its all guud! :cool:

Ta for help guys.

i dont think you even deserve a Mac. dont forget, when you boot into XP, you cant use ALL of the Macbooks features. theres still bugs in the software. I think you're a fool IMO.
Willis said:
i dont think you even deserve a Mac.
i think you need to also chill out.

i mean just because i am used to xp and i like a vaio doesnt not mean that u can judge me by saying "you dont deserve a mac", seriously why dont i "deserve" a mac? :mad:

Jeeze! :mad:
1 - Yes you do want a mac.
2 - Why?
3 - Answer: A mac, when booted into OS X, will help you concentrate on your work instead of switching back and forth from a game to WordPad. Plus when you do finish your work on OS X, reboot into XP and play some games and relax. When you need to do some serious computer work, flip back to OS X and get what needs done, done.
I'm in your situation and will go with mac. I don't know about you, but I really am sick of Windows. I was nearly destroying my PCs LCD sometime ago, XP crashed just after installation, the HDD was formatted etc. That is to say everything was clean. And windows just gets worse after you use for 1 week or so. Everything just... You get the idea.

I still think if I should go with a PC that I myself will configure, for gaming mostly. But given that I am not a heavy gamer (actually I don't play games unless I am REALLY bored) that is unpractical, and costly.
As it is said already, mac's motivate you to work. I mean I always want to do something useful when I see a Mac. Maybe that's just me and my imagination... It's more reliable as well.

I will go with the mac... So should you.

But I find some people offensive. What does it mean to deserve a mac? It's just a computer that you use... there's no question of deserving it. Forgive me if I'm being rude but I am disturbed by this kind of fanatisicm. Probably you will say that this is not my business, and it isn't really but...

It's just a matter of being a little brave for me. Every PC user is sooooo scared of switching to macs, which will do them only good if they are not gamers. It's the way with us humans. when we get comfortable in whatever we do, we don't want to change again, for good or for bad. It is those who are brave enough that really make something remarkable. that's my view of this matter from a broader point of view.
wisredz said:
But I find some people offensive. What does it mean to deserve a mac? It's just a computer that you use... there's no question of deserving it. Forgive me if I'm being rude but I am disturbed by this kind of fanatisicm. Probably you will say that this is not my business, and it isn't really but...

agree with u completly mate ;) there is no such thing as deserving a mac.

and i am going with mac also :D
KingYaba said:
Your professionalism is at risk without a professional machine.

How many people switch from a Mac to a PC?

How many people complain that their Mac has too many viruses?

What kind of computer can run Windows, OS X, Linux and whatever else all on one machine?

Who has the iDominatethemp3playermarketpod that works so seamlessly with your iCandoanythingonmynewmacintosh?

MacBook Pro baby :cool:

you don't need the MBP, the macbook is just as good unless you want better graphics or a bigger screen.
Don't bother holding out for Vista, our current OS X has all those features already :p

Get a MacBook you won't regret it.
Bern said:
Don't bother holding out for Vista, our current OS X has all those features already :p

Get a MacBook you won't regret it.

What features? :rolleyes:

If I were you I'd slug out for Windows, in a short 6 months since switching over I spent nearly $700 on software. Software that I have free equivalents for on Windows. $700 down the drain.
batman123 said:
agree with u completly mate ;) there is no such thing as deserving a mac.

and i am going with mac also :D

..again, you havent listened. What I was trying to tell you is that you seem to like the Sony anyway. If moving to a Mac just to use windows is your idea, then its a costly one (hense the 'deserve a mac' thing).

At the end of the day, its your money, and no matter who says what in this thread, you will do what you want anyway.
generik said:
What features? :rolleyes:

If I were you I'd slug out for Windows, in a short 6 months since switching over I spent nearly $700 on software. Software that I have free equivalents for on Windows. $700 down the drain.

What did you spend $700 on?!?! Almost all the software i have gotten for my mac has been free. There are a lot of freeware applications that do almost the exact same things as software you have to pay for (eg. Gimp (free) and Photoshop (expensive))

Also, i have found that Mac OS X comes with a lot of things that XP doesn't- Garage band, iphoto, iDVD, Automator, etc. Granted, windows does have some equivelents to these programs, but i find that the macs programs can do more than there windows counterparts.

And to the OP, definetely go for the mac. I got a mini in April, and it was one of the best decisions i have made :D
MacBook User said:
I went from using XP for most of my life to using Macs much like you're thinking of doing and haven't looked back since. I was a little nervous at first due to some stories and rumors I've heard about how Macs just won't work with PCs and you can't share files, etc. I found all this to be untrue. I picked up a copy of Microsoft Office For Mac (Student/Teacher Edition) and haven't had one problem synching, emailing, sharing files, etc. with XP machines. You can look at Apples website for more info, but here's a few of my favorite features on Mac OSX and my new MacBook.

1) Built in spellchecker in Safari.

2) iLife. I think you mentioned that you like to work with music/photos/videos. Well, iLife has you covered. iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD, and Garageband are all great programs that I use a lot. I use Adobe Photoshop for serious editing, but you'll be doing that on a PC too. No PC comes with this great (or any really) bundled software.

3) Built in iSight in my MacBook along with PhotoBooth. Great for quick video chats on the go or in coffee shops and PhotoBooth is a great app for taking pictures of things around you and sending them to people without having to use your digital camera.

4) Spotlight. Amazing search technology that searches not only all your text/video/photo/music files but also emails, etc. and does it all incredibly fast. I abandoned organizing or even thinking about making folders long ago thanks to Spotlight.

5) No Viruses. Okay, so THERE ARE virus for Max OSX, but most are simply proof of concept, none have ever been released wide spread. Plus, compared to Windows XP (or any copy of Windows) OSX is far superior. Grab a virus protection program to be safe when you buy a Mac, although you'll probably never have to use it . . . ever.

6) No crashes. I've had my Mac for over a year (my MacBook for only a month or two) and haven't had any crashes on either system. My old Dell made is about 2 months before it started crashing regularly.

Okay, there you are. Visit the Apple site for more or, better yet, go to an Apple store and try one out. Sorry for any spelling errors, I'm too lazy to edit this . . . oh wait, I don't need to, Safari has a built in spellchecker. Peace Out.

Well said!
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