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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 2, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
I bought a 3G iPad on it's launch day but haven't activated the 3G service yet. I knew I wanted the 3G just for rare occasions and so far I've been able to rely on just wifi. I don't have any regrets as I would rather have 3G capability and not need it, than need it and not have. Is anyone else postponing activating your account but still glad you have the option? I wonder what tid-bit of info I'm going to want that I spend $30 on in the heat of the moment.

I was going to activate it the other day while waiting for a doctor's appointment, but I got called back before I could finish the signup process.
I got the 3G for the gps chip. Works great with the iPhone tomtom. I love that I can use 3G in a pinch. No regrets.
I am a yes. Haven't turned it on yet, but I've been home since I got it.

I start a new job on Monday though so I expect I'll turn it on then.
I haven't activated 3G yet either.

I got the 3G "just in case." Money wasn't a factor for me, so I chose the 3G because it had the WiFi and gave me the option on 3G. Best of both worlds.
Me neither.

Waiting for corp email access to do this. Will let me untether myself from the office. Yeah.
Im in the same boat. I knew that 95% of the time WIFI would be the way i was connected but I knew I would regret not having the 3G option for road trips and on vacation etc. Got my 3G from day one and never looked back! :D
I activated it on launch day but have only used a out 90 mb.

I recently set up a shady wireless at work with my Apple Express. If I hadn't done that I would have already had to upgrade to the unlimited plan.

I see using the 3G when we are traveling and away from home for the day and such. So far I have lucked out and found wifi when I needed to connect.

Not going through as much as I thought...

I activated the 3G service immedietly, and went for the unlimited plan to start with. In the last two weeks I have only racked up 85mb of data usage, much to my surprise. While a lot of use has been at home or in the studio with wifi, I have constantly been using my email and the net on the road. No streaming TV, or watching a lot of video clips when out though. I have Verizon, so don't have an iPhone, nor any other smart phone. This device is better than expected, and my needs perfectly. I have already used it as a portfolio for past work and keep reference images for client work. Much easier than having the stuff on my laptop (which now mostly stays home). No regrets, and my parents are now buying two (one for each of them).
Cheers, michael
I haven't activated mine yet but will eventually. Currently tethering off my phone.
Getting an iPad 3G and not activating the 3G part is like buying a Corvette and driving the speed limit... :cool:

Considering that 3G is usually slower than WIFI your analogy is a bit weak.

How bout - is like buying a Corvette and only driving around the block. :D
Getting an iPad 3G and not activating the 3G part is like buying a Corvette and driving the speed limit... :cool:

I was stuck behind this lady on I75 once.... probably in her late 50's.... driving her brand new Corvette 45 mph on the 70mph speed limit road.

She would be a prime example of not being able to talk on the phone and drive safely at the same time. She was a hazard to everyone around her.

I've used more data than i expected for what i consider casual use, but like another poster, i don't have a smart phone with data and this has worked out PERFECT!
I was stuck behind this lady on I75 once.... probably in her late 50's.... driving her brand new Corvette 45 mph on the 70mph speed limit road.

She would be a prime example of not being able to talk on the phone and drive safely at the same time. She was a hazard to everyone around her.

I've used more data than i expected for what i consider casual use, but like another poster, i don't have a smart phone with data and this has worked out PERFECT!

lol Driving Miss Daisy?
Well, a lot of folks have chimed in already, so I guess you know you're not alone. I, too, ordered a 3G with no intention of activating it. I consider it an insurance policy, in case I need that connectivity while traveling (or I'm visiting my folks, who still have dial-up).
Same here- got the 3G as a backup, I figure I would have a use for it eventually, but not right now. I've only used it in areas with WiFi so far, but I'm glad it's future-proof.
I haven't activated 3G. I have a jailbroken iPhone so I really don't need it. I got the 3G model specifically for the GPS aspect. I've also been around wi-fi enough that I've only had a need to tether twice so far.
I, too, ordered a 3G with no intention of activating it. I consider it an insurance policy, in case I need that connectivity while traveling (or I'm visiting my folks, who still have dial-up).

My parents don't have ANY internet connection at all. In fact they don't even own a computer, and have no desire to buy one. Thus my need for the 3G so I can stay in touch with the "outside world" when I go home to visit my folks a couple times a year.
already pay for tmobile 3g with my Android, so I will tether that, and... this Sprint HTC EVO 4g is a wifo hot-spot right out of the box.

I got a 32GB wifi, so, I have to think this way, lol

The GPS thing is kinda bummer, but my phone would have it.
Yeah. I haven't activated it yet. Will only use it on months that I travel. I am not looking forward to paying those outrageous international payments anyway.
I activated on launch day but have only used about 50mb so far. I expect the 90% of the time the lowest plan will be fine for me.

However, I live in an area where WiFi is pretty darn widespread and easily accessible.
Activated my 3G the Sunday night after the Friday launch. I have used 35.1 MB Sent and 882MB Recieved. So i figure by the time my 30days are up I will have users about 3Gb or more... so I will be sticking with the unlimited. I have been Using Air Video, NetFlix, iCam... and Pandora... for the most part i believe those apps are responsible for all the usage beside the regualr web surfing.
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