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I did it y'all! I turned 3G on!

I am at a baseball game and there's no wifi so I went for it. It's a minor league game and I have zero interest. It's a spousal duty cuz his company bought everyone tickets. I'd rather be home watching the Real Howives of NYC! :D
I picked up my 3G unit at an Apple store on launch day and fully expected to turn on 3G data the first time i was without wifi but thankfully, the Spirit jailbreak came out allowing me to finally jb my 3GS. Tethering with MyWi has been working great--making the most of my iPhone data plan ;).
I'm like most of you and won't use 3G regularly, except for when I'm on vacation. However, I think when I receive mine (pre-ordered for the 28th), I'll want to order the $15 plan just to make sure my iPad 3G is working, and then cancel after a month.
I activated it as soon as I got home the day it arrived (wife had already hooked it to my computer and synced it) and then hopped in the car using it for hours. I've used around 2 GB of data so far. 250MB would be a joke.
I got my iPad yesterday with 3G, only because it was the last one the Apple store had in stock in my neighborhood. Went to several BB's, nothing in stock.

I may have to use it though, I just can't seem to get the internet to work on my home wireless network. It just won't connect.

I may just wait until Sprint comes out with their 4G phone next month, then just use the shared WiFi feature on the phone.

Unfortunately, Sprint is going to make you pay dearly for that feature. They are adding a $10 per month surcharge just to use 4G at all(above the standard data charge you will already pay). Then, *another* $30 a month to use the phone as a hotspot.

When its all said and done, we're talking about a $150 phone bill per month--on a 2 year contract. I was interested in this phone myself until I heard that.
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