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macrumors member
Jan 25, 2008
it's usually easy to take it along

I carry my Sony A100 dslr everywhere I go, even if the trip is only to the grocery store. I use a simple molded case from Staples that is designed for any generic dslr machine. If I want to "dress down", I just put the whole thing in a brown paper bag (with a good grip on the real strap of course!). While driving I usually avoid the temptation to shoot while in motion, but when I do it is from the hip and without the viewfinder, taking as little attention from the road as possible - of course I also will just stop and pull over for a shot when I can do so safely. I keep the short handle of the case in my seat belt so that the cam rests at the ready at my side during any drive.
When you can afford the luxury, try simply waiting in one spot for half an hour to see what surprises pop up - it is amazing to see how unexpected occurrences can suddenly arise in the most innocent places, to provide excellent material for a photograph.


macrumors newbie
Aug 9, 2007
I am a project manager, and I never know when I will need it, so I try to take my camera with me every day.


macrumors 68020
Mar 13, 2008
London, UK
I am concerned about leaving lenses in a car when the temperature could get too hot. At my office it should be OK if I can fit the bag into a drawer or cabinet.
How do you safeguard or store your gear when you are not with your bag?

I don't leave it anywhere I don't trust basically. At work it lives under my desk, but my office is swipe-card controlled and very very restricted access due to the material we deal with, so I'll frequently leave it there all day.

Elsewhere, it just stays with me. As for car temps, camera kit won't melt, but then it'd have to be somewhere out of sight in the car for peace of mind (somewhat). My camera bag also holds my "general" rubbish, such as headphones, wallet, pens, paper, discs etc, so it doesn't serve to just leave it anywhere.


macrumors member
Mar 9, 2009
I always have my P&S with me wherever I go. My DSLR doesn't go anywhere unless I'm planning to use it. I'd hate to leave it in the car for a long time and I don't have an interesting enough commute to see anything I'd really want to shoot while just driving around.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 7, 2003
Wow, you people are troopers :p

Considering the weight and size of my camera kit, and the fact that it's not just something i can just "throw" in my pocket or bag, I very rarely take my dSLR with me. If I know ahead of time that I'll want to take pictures (wedding, vacation, trip, etc) then of course I'll bring it. But it's not like I bring it with me when I go grocery shopping. I cannot bring it to work because cameras are not allowed where I work (and yes my car gets searched every time I go to work). Maybe my life isn't as spontaneous and crazy as everyone else's, but very rarely do I think "it would be worth it to lug all 20 pounds of my camera with me everywhere I go" ;)


macrumors 6502a
Nov 25, 2005
Denver, CO
DSLR? no
P&S ? no, but it is almost DLSR in size so maybe if I get around to replacing it with a smaller one.

Another issue I have is that most of my drives are either very short <3 miles, at night, or 99.99% of the time I am the driver so I don't have as much freedom to take a photo, let alone ensure I am actually focused on the intended subject :)

An addition of a much smaller P&S would definately change things though.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 5, 2003
Costa Rica
Not my DSLR, but I normally have my "pocket-sized" Panasonic FX3 either in my bag or in the car (and, every once in a while, in my pocket :D).
I travel a lot for business, and normally only take the Panasonic camera with me. The exception is when I stay for a long period of time or if I'll go to place where I know it'll be worth it (like the time I went to Jordan for business and stayed an extra day to go to Petra).


macrumors 6502a
Jan 13, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Depends where I'm going. For example, if I'm going out shopping I wouldn't bring my camera everywhere, but if I were going on a road trip or a social event, then yes.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Yes. My D40 lives in my bag that I carry with me everywhere. It doesn't look at all like a camera bag, since it's not, and people are always surprised when I reach in and pull out a small DSLR! For a long time I kept the 18-55 kit lens on it but more recently I've taken to leaving the 35 f/1.8 on it. When I am going on more serious, planned photo shoots, then of course I load up the full gear: D3 (and/or D300) and lenses appropriate for the situation.


macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2003
At home
I try and take it everywhere but just not always possible. I kick myself every time I decide not to take it out and I see something great to shoot.

Must try harder


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
I kick myself every time I decide not to take it out and I see something great to shoot.

I made a promise to myself that whenever I saw the possibility of a shot, I'd stop and investigate (unless I had an inflexible schedule or a meeting to attend).

It doesn't always work out: something glimpsed while travelling in the car may not turn out to be so interesting on further investigation. But it's also produced some shots I like.

Either way, I don't have those nagging feelings of 'what might have been'. :)


macrumors 68020
Nov 23, 2007
A beginner body (oh for now we got to exclude the D5000 because its bigger then normal beginner dSLR and I haven't seen it in real life yet so can't judge how big is it) + 50mm and a dSLR will be at a acceptable size.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 12, 2008
In a house...duh!
Carry my D80 just about everywhere in Crumpler messenger bag with the rest of my stuff. Just kept the 50mm 1.8 on it until I got my 18-200 recently.

I rarely pull it out...but know I can if I need to.



macrumors 65816
Feb 4, 2006
I have at least one camera with me absolutely everywhere I go. I like to photograph people, not places, so going back later is not an option.


macrumors 68000
Sep 30, 2007
NSW, Australia.
I take my DSLR anywhere most of the time, to the beach, on the rocks, in (above) the water, on boats, on walks, rides, etc. Anywhere except the city :rolleyes:

Doesn't really matter what lens I take, it'll easily fit in my backpack. Most of the time it's my widest lens the 18-55mm.

I hate taking it to social events though, where you end up being designated photographer and you know how that turns out…

The simple answer is if I know at any time I'll need to separate with my backpack I won't take it.

OP, look into the Sigma DP1, if your into landscapes. It's basically a point and shoot with a dSLR sensor and fixed wide angle lens.


macrumors member
May 19, 2008
Eastern, PA
I am concerned about leaving lenses in a car when the temperature could get too hot. At my office it should be OK if I can fit the bag into a drawer or cabinet.
How do you safeguard or store your gear when you are not with your bag?
You pray! I always have my iPhone camera available, and sometimes I forget I have that, then I have to think, oh man I could of taken a picture with my iPhone at least.

I have one old car with no trunk (suv) and one with a trunk, so when I do take my camera equipment to work I have to bring it in the office and lock it in my drawer. Same on days it is too hot or cold with the other car. I have to remember to take it home with me too. One time I was leaving for 3 weeks (elective surgery) and I had to drive back to the office just as I got home, because I left my camera equipment at work.


macrumors 68000
Jun 14, 2007
Oxfordshire, England
I don't unfortunately. There is no way that I can carry my camera with me at work and I don't want to leave all that kit in the back of a car. I have missed a good few shots but like a previous poster I think about what I can do to recreate it later.


macrumors 6502
Dec 27, 2006
99% of the time !! The 1% is time is when I know that regardless of what happens I can't use it.
I normally leave home with my k10 with 18-55 on it in my Crumpler bag with my Macbook pro.
In the car I always have a Crumpler camera bag with my flash and other lenses, filters etc and my tripod and a reflector. I have other gear that I only take out if the need arises.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 29, 2006
Laguna Niguel, CA
If I know I'll be going somewhere I may be taking pictures I will lug my shoulder bag with my 5DmkII and lenses (usually the 16-35L / 24-70L / 70-200L / 50L) However, this is a heavy bag, lighter than when I had my 1DmkIII, but still, a heavy bag.

I now have 2 very fun compact cameras, I have the Leica D-Lux4 and the Sigma DP1. The leica is fantastic in a lot of scenarios with it's 24-60 f/2-2.8 lens it really is a stellar little camera (as is the panasonic counterpart the LX3)

Now the Sigma DP1, that is a very unique little camera, as it's the only compact camera to have a full-sized sensor. It's actually got the same size sensor as the Canon xxD and xxxD series. Which is ENORMOUS for a compact camera. It definitely takes getting used to because it isn't the speediest little thing, but amazing for landscapes.

I have a small Domke bag that I just carry with me everywhere. It looks like this.


And this is what it looks like inside.


*please excuse the iPhone pics ;)
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