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I keep all boxes for "expensive" electonics in case they need to be returned and for resale value. In the case of Apple products, though, I keep them in tip-top shape and visible on a shelf. When I do eventually sell it (iPod, iBook, etc.) I re-package it the way it was when I bought it so that the buyer does, in fact, get a like new product. It's all in the packaging!
i just sold one of my Macs (a PPC mini) in the original box with the original discs and packaging. i think it's nice to be able to offer the original packaging to the buyer. i don't think i'll be selling my MBP, though, as i will likely use it until it's completely worn out. but i don't know for sure, which is why i still have the box.
I thought it was common sense to keep the boxes in case things had to be returned (or, more importantly, you wanted to return them). Mother-in-law's loft still contains manga my wife read 30 years ago so that's where my boxes go. Of course there never comes the time when the possibility of having/wanting to return goods is over and the boxes chucked out. They just stay there until the goods are replaced...and so the box is replaced.
My initial response would be "easier to return/ship." But the fact of the matter is-- everything I have is beyond their ship date. I suppose, since they're so well constructed and thought out, that if I needed to take something to the Apple Store I'd repackage it so that I could transport safely. That's a good idea.

But thinking about it-- I have to say. Yeah, I may just be keeping them because I'm so impressed with the packaging. Most things that you buy (from companies other than Mac) the packaging is destroyed or worthless after opening. We all know this isn't the case with Mac products.

I've told a friend of mine, actually the friend that for years tried to bring me over to Mac and finally did, that opening the packages is almost near damn exciting as hooking the stuff up and playing with it, too. Well, maybe not quite. But I'll tell you-- I don't get a "thrill" opening any other packages-- even if what's inside is wanted very badly.

Apple is so skilled with their marketing that the experience from purchase to setup is a complete joy. Perhaps enjoying the opening of the boxes is some weird consumer perversion, but we all seem to suffer from the same one, huh?
My initial response would be "easier to return/ship." But the fact of the matter is-- everything I have is beyond their ship date. I suppose, since they're so well constructed and thought out, that if I needed to take something to the Apple Store I'd repackage it so that I could transport safely. That's a good idea.

But thinking about it-- I have to say. Yeah, I may just be keeping them because I'm so impressed with the packaging. Most things that you buy (from companies other than Mac) the packaging is destroyed or worthless after opening. We all know this isn't the case with Mac products.

I've told a friend of mine, actually the friend that for years tried to bring me over to Mac and finally did, that opening the packages is almost near damn exciting as hooking the stuff up and playing with it, too. Well, maybe not quite. But I'll tell you-- I don't get a "thrill" opening any other packages-- even if what's inside is wanted very badly.

Apple is so skilled with their marketing that the experience from purchase to setup is a complete joy. Perhaps enjoying the opening of the boxes is some weird consumer perversion, but we all seem to suffer from the same one, huh?

I agree. I have all of my boxes in the closet. My goodness.
I used to, but I have just moved house to somewhere with much less storage than before, so I was forced to break all the boxes down and recycle them. I tend to hoard stuff, just in case, but it was kind of liberating just chucking everything out.
i do and my wife thinks i'm a complete nerd for doing it.

i've kept them b/c they look good and also, in case i resell anything...which will probably never happen, but it's funny to think.
depends for me. For larger stuff I tend to keep the box. The big things I tend to keep boxes are my printer, computer speakers, monitor and computer tower. Reason being is because it is just easier to transport all that stuff in the boxes they came in that to pack it up and transport them with out it.

The iPod box was thown away in the first week to. Macbook box lasted about 1 month and it was put into the garbage because I never going to transport the thing in the box. I have a laptop back for transporting it and normally it is in there any way because that is where I store it any how.

My rule on keeping boxes is based on if it makes it easier to transport the object or not when I move. I really do not have the space to store large sums of boxes.
if its something expensive that will have good resale I always keep the box and put the sales receipt in it.

or if its anything from apple I keep the box because they look cool :)
Like a packrat. Trying to change that habit, but it does come in handy when moving, frequently.
Collector's Purposes....

Apple computers are worth more if you have the original box and everything inside (even serial number matching).

I started saving when I got my LC II and started to collect old computers...

LC's on eBay go for about $30. The last LC Mint in complete box went for $795...

I got a 128K complete in box (box is sort of shoddy, everything inside is complete, computer works) and the guy didn't know the worth and I got it for $100!!!


Your better off selling it on eBay rather than throwing it out... (I've seen people just sell the boxes by themselves - for older computers though).

Sell the boxes to nerder folk :D

Apple boxes, like their computers = cool.

PC Boxes = brown, not worth anything....

Look on eBay - ANYTHING complete in box is worth more than just the unit.

I have a friend who helped someone sell an old Lionel caboose, complete in box, on eBay. It sold at $450. The buyer said to keep the caboose and just send the box...
I do but not just for apple stuff i do it for any expensive stuff

really just incase anything goes wrong? easy storage

and of course if i sell it
Mr Bean and Saved Boxes

As I read these I am getting this visual....

Lights - Camera - Action

Enter Mr. Bean (you Brits know who I mean)

Checks calendar - goes to closet - opens it - full of boxes - finds one eventually (the one in the back on the bottom) - puts all the other boxes away - takes the box he found - gets "item" from apartment - packs it into the box - looks like brand new - puts box on coffee table - leaves apartment - comes back - sees box - surprised - opens box - sees brand new "item" - puts it in proper place - stores box in closet...

They used to run him on PBS here in the states - I miss it! You maybe have to have seen Mr Bean a few times to see the funny in this - I hope you do!
It'sactually a very wise thing to keep your box.

Not only does it add extra value, but if you lose / your laptop is stolen, and you notice somebody suddenly has a "new" laptop that was the same as yours, you can report it and ask to see the box. If you show your box and the Bluetooth/AirPort/Ethernet tags match, then you've caught the suspect, so KEEP THE BOXES FOR EXTRA VALUE AND SECURITY.
I still have my 1st generation iPod mini box. It looks brand new, and I'm actually giving it to my sister for Christmas (along with some other things) w/ the box.
I most certainly do keep my boxes. Reason? Possible resale, maybe someday I'll sell my boxed apple as a collectable!:p

Plus, it's just...the thing to do. I can't imagine tossing it unless I was moving overseas and could only take a few suitcases.
Not only does it add extra value, but if you lose / your laptop is stolen, and you notice somebody suddenly has a "new" laptop that was the same as yours, you can report it and ask to see the box. If you show your box and the Bluetooth/AirPort/Ethernet tags match, then you've caught the suspect, so KEEP THE BOXES FOR EXTRA VALUE AND SECURITY.

Wow, I never thought of that. Good idea!
Uhm, I believe the answer is HECK YEA!

I even brought two iBook clamshell boxes out of the heavy trash.
I dunno--it's a sickness! :eek:

I do it too, it's definitely a disease, the satisfaction of the boxes.....AAAAHHH....:)

It'sactually a very wise thing to keep your box.

Not only does it add extra value, but if you lose / your laptop is stolen, and you notice somebody suddenly has a "new" laptop that was the same as yours, you can report it and ask to see the box. If you show your box and the Bluetooth/AirPort/Ethernet tags match, then you've caught the suspect, so KEEP THE BOXES FOR EXTRA VALUE AND SECURITY.

Yeah....I do it for this reason as well.
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