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I think that every student will have an iPad in just a few years. Or just some sort of a slate device to do homework on/take to school.
It would make sense. Not only will we be saving millions of trees, school's wouldn't have to spend SO much money on textbooks.

Just think about it, some textbooks can cost up to as much as a iPad, I think it would be cheaper for schools to just either give students some kind of discount or just supply every student/classroom with them.

Also, students would grow up and have healthier backs.
Just think of all those heavy books being carried on their backs everyday. One could say that this is some sort of a workout, I see it as torture.

So, yes, once schools actually take this seriously, I think that it will happen. Colleges especially. I can't wait to start using one of these. Seriously, since I saw the iPad, first thing I thought - This is PERFECT for school.

My only problem with that is the same thing was said about laptops. And for school purposes, they are almost as portable. I think kids taking technology to and from school won't happen. But I think kids going over to an almost computer based system may. But what you will have then is just online access from home.
This is exactly why I am buying this for my son.
I also think some very clever app designer could make an absolute packet out of turning this ipad into a communication device. And / or device for those people with additional needs.

A basic touch screen communication aid is thousands of pounds.
The basics are there. Just need someone to put all of it together.

I also much to the despair of one particular forum goer will be buying one for my 4 year old daughter to help her with literacy. She loves her iPod touch too.

And no she doesn't need one she wants one. !!
Excuse the sarcasm it's not aimed at the op who I think has a very valid point.

actually, the software is in the app store. Hmm, can I remember the name? Proloque2go maybe. I can't check right now. A friend has it for her son and another will be getting an ipad and running it on there.

It's like $189? Which is cheaper than the alternative.
Our school is pretty rich we get laptops from the district when we start in middle school. Macs in middle school and Dells in high school. But I dont see the Ipad replacing these devices.
I teach 2nd and 3rd grade (and have been a school principal as well) and think it could revolutionize how technology is used in the classroom. The things are so cheap compared to good computers- much more mobile than even a laptop, kids are less likely to drop them, can pass it around in a small group to share things, etc.

I would love to see apps for things such as math manipulatives like base 10 blocks, money, etc. It would be great to have kids drag things around to create visual things to compare fractions, create graphs, etc. all with the touch of a finger.

I see them becoming small versions of this:

Smart Table

Smart Table details

SmartTable images

THat doesn't even touch the implications about making ebooks come to life for kids that are struggling to read- and the fact that it more closely resembles holding a book the way you read it the more it would help get these kids to spend time sitting with a book in their hands enjoying text.

And as far as schools not having money- many schools spend money on crappy laptops (windows) for $500 and they work for a few years (if they are lucky) and then replace them- often with grant money (both private and federal tech grants)
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