I think that every student will have an iPad in just a few years. Or just some sort of a slate device to do homework on/take to school.
It would make sense. Not only will we be saving millions of trees, school's wouldn't have to spend SO much money on textbooks.
Just think about it, some textbooks can cost up to as much as a iPad, I think it would be cheaper for schools to just either give students some kind of discount or just supply every student/classroom with them.
Also, students would grow up and have healthier backs.
Just think of all those heavy books being carried on their backs everyday. One could say that this is some sort of a workout, I see it as torture.
So, yes, once schools actually take this seriously, I think that it will happen. Colleges especially. I can't wait to start using one of these. Seriously, since I saw the iPad, first thing I thought - This is PERFECT for school.