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  • USB C

  • Magsafe

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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 15, 2021

Do you think the new MBP will remove USB C Charging and replace it with Magsafe?

Who actually wants this? I am trying to get all my devices to support usb c charging and I think its super annoying that the new Macbook Pro's will supposedly stop supporting it


macrumors 68000
Oct 27, 2018
Brockville, Ontario.
Indications point to magsafe being brought back to the macbooks, but they will also retain usb-c ports given practically everyone has usb-c ports though not for charging. I am neither here nor there in regard to magsafe returning, but eliminating all other ports was shortsighted in my view so I’m glad they’re being reinstated. I am not a fan of dongles when you’re at this price point for these machines when the ports can easily be designed into the machine.


macrumors G4
Dec 29, 2007
I can't imagine they'd remove charging via USB-C even if they reintroduce magsafe. That said, Apple has disappointed me before!


macrumors 65816
Apr 17, 2020
I like the dedicated Magsafe. Over the last 5 years or so it has adverted disaster at least three or four times. Plus it leaves a port open for more accessories, which is important if you use your laptop as a desktop replacement at least part of the time.

That said, I would be fine if Apple offers both as I can see the convenience of the USB-C charging when travelling.
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macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
IF MagSafe returns, I sense that will mean the end of charging via the USBc ports.

I can't see why Apple would go to the trouble of re-designing and re-incorporating MagSafe into their laptops AND retain USB charging.

Weren't there some problems with improperly-spec'd USBc chargers damaging Macs? By a return to MagSafe and an end to USBc charging, Apple will again control how power "gets into" their MacBooks.


macrumors G4
Dec 29, 2007
It seems like the PC market has figured out how to offer both USB-C charging while still having a standard power brick - not sure why Apple would remove a feature that's already there just because they're putting MagSafe back in.

I love MagSafe as much as anyone, but connecting a laptop to an external monitor with one cable and having it handle everything - audio/video/keyboard/mouse/power is pretty nice too. It certainly doesn't have to be an either/or thing.
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Chester Stone

macrumors member
May 28, 2016
Yeah, USB-C charging sucks.

The biggest problems are that
(a) the connectors insert way too tightly, requiring two hands to disconnect,
(b) there's no indicator light, making it impossible to tell charge completion without turning on the mac,
(c) the port is way too small, making it hard to connect in the dark

Good riddance! Can't wait for USB-C to gtfoh


macrumors regular
Oct 16, 2014
My answer is simple:

Having the option to charge from both sides is too convenient, too important to discard.

Try to move from a MacBook Pro with 4 ports to Macbook air with only ports on the left side. Bad.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 19, 2011
I think we’re all forgetting that charging is part of the USB-C standard. Unless Apple removes all of the USB 4 ports from the upcoming MBPs, USB-C charging will remain, which is quite useful when considering Thunderbolt docks and so forth.
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Sep 13, 2014
MagSafe is cool, I hope it comes back.

That said, it should be an additional charging option on top of USB-C charging compatibility. I do not want the only method of charging to be a proprietary option. I like being able to use a single charging cable for many of my devices (Mac, DAC, cameras, iPad, etc. just missing iPhone). I especially like being able to charge my MacBook via a dock with power passthrough.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 25, 2020
If we get magsafe, I'd still want USB-C charging for the opposite side of the laptop.

There are times when running a cable from across the other side is just annoying.


macrumors regular
Nov 23, 2017
PC manufacturers seem to have figured out how to support USB-C and proprietary charging. My HP laptop supports both (comes with a barrel pin adaptor but my Anker USB-C adaptor works fine too). Same with my Razer Blade 14.

If they want to bring MagSafe back, that's fine. But don't take away USB-C charging. It is too convenient being able just to carry an Anker 45W USB-C adaptor in my bag knowing that will charge pretty much anything with the right cable.
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macrumors 6502
Jun 1, 2016
I think, it'll be both because that allows external display to charge the Mac.


macrumors 65816
Aug 7, 2015
Fear not, USB-C/Thunderbolt charging is going nowhere, imo.

Aside from the hassle of disabling the specification, Apple's own Pro Display XDR is designed as a USB hub/96W power delivery and 6k display.

I can't see them loosing that capability.

If MagSafe returns, rumors suggest it's taking the place of one of the 4 USB-C ports. If that's the case, maybe there's more to MagSafe than just power. Maybe it's some kind of USB4/Magsafe port that can do more magic than just power delivery, similar to the iPad accessories? Just a wild thought.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 18, 2011
If MagSafe returns, rumors suggest it's taking the place of one of the 4 USB-C ports. If that's the case, maybe there's more to MagSafe than just power. Maybe it's some kind of USB4/Magsafe port that can do more magic than just power delivery, similar to the iPad accessories? Just a wild thought.
I have difficulty seeing the motivation for magsafe if you just replace one USB-C port with 100W charging with same charging through a proprietary (magsafe) connector. For me the value of being able to charge from both side, using generic charges and the docking capabilities is worth more than the magnetic connection.

They really need to offer something more to make it worth having. At one point I though it was more power / faster charging. But with PD now supporting 240W that seems unlikely.
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macrumors 6502
Apr 15, 2012
Ethernet via the powerbrick would be welcome. I can’t see them dropping USB-C, rather supplementing it
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Roadster Lewis

macrumors 6502
Apr 27, 2021
Coventry, UK
MagSafe is cool, but personally I either have my laptop plugged in to a monitor etc or not plugged in to anything. I would rather keep one port docking.


macrumors demi-god
Jun 25, 2007
I like both. Now that many things feature USB-C port, even my APC UPS Backup has one (although up to 15W power output). I use it to charge my iPad Pro from time to time. Apple may use the USB-C interface and build MagSafe technology on top of it?


macrumors 603
Dec 8, 2005
I don't think they could just "remove" it could they as its part of the functional capabilities of port and its standards?

I'm guessing its Magsafe and you can still charge as you can today which is great. I've found in most situations there's no need for MagSafe if I can charge from either side of the laptop.


macrumors 68000
Mar 1, 2011
USB-C charging is not going anywhere. It's part of the port specifics. Also it would ruin a lot of docking setups (even USB-C monitors) and Apple is going to continue endorsing those.
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