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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 20, 2017
Nottingham, England
Doctor Who back with a bang last night. What a ride! So much to take in. Weeping Angel, Sontarons, space dogs, Dan. Last was so excitin, couldn’t take my eyes off the screen. Next week, ‘War of the Sontarons’. It’s going to be an epic 6 week.
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macrumors 603
Feb 7, 2011
Yes it was, Chibnall has finally come through (I did like a few episodes from series 11 and 12) and Jodie Whittaker has come through as well.
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Doctor Who back with a bang last night. What a ride! So much to take in. Weeping Angel, Sontarons, space dogs, Dan. Last was so excitin, couldn’t take my eyes off the screen. Next week, ‘War of the Sontarons’. It’s going to be an epic 6 week.
Claire - 'long way home'

Clara - 'long way around'

There is some speculation out there… ;)


Staff member
Jul 1, 2014

Will be interesting how the season shakes out but this first episode did nothing for me. Guess it was due to being like a pilot episode for a series, need to introduce/quick hit everyone we'll be seeing going forward.


macrumors 68020
Nov 15, 2016
Most exciting episode for me in a long, long time. Probably since the Tennant days. A little confusing, but I hope they can keep it up, build tension and solve it logically in the end. Let's see what tomorrow brings.


macrumors 68000
Jun 24, 2020
I had to go back to the previous episode to find out what had happened to the two blokes.

And, our beloved Aunty ABC has scheduled two different episodes of Dr Who, on two different channels, at the same time.!!!

One shall have to write a stern letter to the Times...


macrumors 68020
Nov 15, 2016
I've really enjoyed yesterdays episode. Overall the story telling has been great this season. I'm still afraid they might blow it up in the end and do something stupid as they did so many times in the past.

But I keep wondering about a few things... why are the angels working for the division? Have they created the angels? What do they have on them? Do they even need them, are the angels collecting time energy for them to allow for time travel? I thought the TARDIS is powered by a replica of the Eye of Harmony, so no need for time energy?

As for the doctor... are Bel and Vinder the Doctors parents (Bel is pregnant)? Will they go back to the planet Time where the Doctor will be born (outside of time and space)? Will the energy collected by the angels be important to the birth of the Doctor and therefore make him/her what he/she is?

At the very least I expect more information on the fugitive Doctor and maybe memories returned from before they were erased by the division. If we get additional answers to the question in spoilers above, even better. If not, there should be plenty of material for future seasons.
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macrumors 68000
Jun 24, 2020
I've really enjoyed yesterdays episode. Overall the story telling has been great this season. I'm still afraid they might blow it up in the end and do something stupid as they did so many times in the past.

But I keep wondering about a few things... why are the angels working for the division? Have they created the angels? What do they have on them? Do they even need them, are the angels collecting time energy for them to allow for time travel? I thought the TARDIS is powered by a replica of the Eye of Harmony, so no need for time energy?

As for the doctor... are Bel and Vinder the Doctors parents (Bel is pregnant)? Will they go back to the planet Time where the Doctor will be born (outside of time and space)? Will the energy collected by the angels be important to the birth of the Doctor and therefore make him/her what he/she is?

At the very least I expect more information on the fugitive Doctor and maybe memories returned from before they were erased by the division. If we get additional answers to the question in spoilers above, even better. If not, there should be plenty of material for future seasons.

If you want the ultimate time-traveler origin story, I can only but suggest "'_All You Zombies_'" by Robert Heinlein.
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macrumors 68020
Nov 15, 2016
So I gave the series finale a little time to settle... they did it again. They've ignored everything they teased, threw any type of logic over board and completely screwed up the last episode. What an absolute mess it was. I didn't expect this since all the other episodes were so good. Guess I should be used to it by now.

Until new years day with a new Dalek (of course) episode.
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