So here's my take on D2G for iP:
The wait has been very frustrating, it's taken around a year to get this far, then there was the long wait for the app to be approved (through no fault of Dataviz). But at least it got there in the end.
It's got it's positives (I really like the Exchange integration), but I've been left fairly disappointed. Considering how long we've been waiting for this, I expected a much more 'finished' app to be in our hands.
The lack of MobileMe iDisk access for viewing/editing my files is a glaring omission. Considering the number of apps on the AppStore that provide this functionality, I can't for the life of me understand why Dataviz would leave it out. There is a very large number of MobileMe users, and I expected this feature to be a given. Hopefully we will see this soon in an update.
Then there's the lack of xls editing. This was QuickOffice's first editing feature in their MobileFiles Pro / QuickSheet app, so I expected Dataviz to also ship with this capability, as well as the doc editing we'd seen in the early screenshots.
Doc editing IS there, but this has it's limitations:
I see no way of changing text font or size, and for me this is more key than the colour or background colour of text (which is possible).
There is also no way to indent the first line of a paragraph; you can indent an entire paragraph, but not the first line. Again, the wrong way around in terms of usefulness for me, and many others I imagine.
Copy & Paste - So, Dataviz delayed the release to make it OS3.0 compatible (I'm using OS3.0 beta). However, they didn't make it copy & paste compatible, i.e. you cannot use OS3.0 system wide copy & paste with D2G, you can do it within the app, but not to/from other apps. This seems very odd to me. Again, hopefully we'll see this in an update in the not too distant future. Personally I much prefer the OS3.0 system wide copy/paste that Apple have implemented over the Dataviz one, same goes for text selection.
Some positives:
It's not all bad though. Here are some positives:
Exchange email access - this has been done very nicely. You setup your Exchange account, click the "Attachments" option, and the app will search your inbox for emails that have editable files, i.e. .doc/.docx attachments only for now. Once we have xls editing, this will be even ore useful. I would also want to see the app search all my subfolders for compatible attachments, as I tend to keep my Inbox pretty empty and categorise all my emails to subfolders. Currently it only checks my inbox.
doc editing - there are some useful functions here, for example zooming in/out of a document, sending the updated file as an attachment, find & replace text within a document
desktop syncing - The free desktop app to sync files to D2G seems pretty good. Some will say why have this over just a web browser option like QuickOffice has. Well, the big advantage over that solution is that you can choose to sync an entire folder. That way you don't have to select individual files to transfer; any time a file has been changed (either on your desktop or on your iPhone/iPod), the file will be updated on both the next time you sync.
All in all, it's a nice app, I feel, but it's really needs some updates, and soon if there going to seriously compete with QuickOffice. This is what I would like so see:
MobileMe iDisk access for viewing, downloading, editing and uploading files to/from my iDisk
Additional email account access (incl. non-Exchange accounts) - as well as my work Exchange account, I want to see the option to access attachments from my personal email account (MobileMe)
Searching for attachments in subfolders of my email accounts
Excel editing (obviously)
Enhancements to the doc editing - indent first line of a paragraph; edit the font type and size of text;
Enhancements to copy/paste - use Apple's OS3.0 system-wide copy&paste to allow for pasting from other apps (notepad, email, safari etc.) or copying text to other apps (email, notepad etc); also allow for pasting/inserting images from the photo roll (or copied from Safari) into a doc
Enhancements to file viewing - so they use Apple's inbuilt document viewer for anything other than doc files; but I would like to see them implement their own viewer with some more advanced features, i.e. the ability to "go to page", bookmark and fast scroll through a large PDF document. I have a lot of large technical books in PDF format, that I want to be able to navigate through faster than the inbuilt viewer will allow me to.
So there's my take on v1.0 of D2G. It's staying on my iPhone for now, because the email attachment access is very useful to me. Otherwise I would have stuck with QuickOffice, which has more advanced features, including iDisk access, xls editing etc.
I just hope we see more in the way of communication and support from Dataviz than we've been used to in awaiting this release.