I'd like to join this conversation now as it's quite obvious that this is becoming a wide spread problem. I'm going to keep this as brief as possible but this is what I've been through. Everything you are about to read below is exactly the same for my wife who is using an iPhone 5S.
iPhone 6.
- Terrible battery drain over night on 9.0.1 - battery died when it had 60% when I went to sleep, this raised the alarm for me.
- Stuck with it for a couple of days then did a restore...nothing
- Started seeing rumours about Facebook app being an issue
- Installed 9.0.2 - No change... perhaps worse
- Went to 9.1 PB V5 - No Change
- Uninstalled Facebook - No Change
- CHANGED BATTERY... you guessed it, no change.
- Installed 9.1 GM - No change.
- Read an article talking about how Comms centre was stuck on cycle and and overworking the processor requiring a full factory restore.
- Performed factory reset and DID NOT restore from back up, only synced iCloud account.
Well sh*t, I dunno what the hell else I'm meant to do. This needs a fix and it needs a fix quick... also, it needs some acknowledgment of an issue from Apple...
Any thoughts welcome.
P.S. Mac Geek and long time lurker...