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i purchased some movies from itunes store the other day.

can anyone tell me if under home sharing if you get plot info etc, or just the covers. if so, thats totally gay.
The only annoying thing about Home Sharing is that is requires you to authorize each computer on that iTunes account. This means you can only have a maximum of 5 computers connected to the Apple TV.

Thankfully AirPlay will probably make up for everything and it won't really matter. If only it was November already. Basically I won't need to give anyone who comes over access to my Home Sharing because they can just use AirPlay.
If Apple just would fix that you cant stream movies natively from your PC to your ipad/iphone. The Apple TV can do it, why apple hasn't implemented this is beyond my belief.

However, hopefully you can use apps like air video, and send to the Apple TV
home sharing is annoying for the simple fact it doesnt always work. everytime I open the remote app on my iphone/ipad i have to mess with it to find my library. I get the spinning wheel forever if I dont start turning home sharing off and on. I dont know if its my router or what but its a pain in the ass.
home sharing is annoying for the simple fact it doesnt always work. everytime I open the remote app on my iphone/ipad i have to mess with it to find my library. I get the spinning wheel forever if I dont start turning home sharing off and on. I dont know if its my router or what but its a pain in the ass.

Nope, not your router. I have had the same issue.
Yes, I do find it annoying - Maybe I don't want everyone in my family to be able to access my iTunes library... What would really be cool is if they brought Home Sharing to the AirPort Express and Time Capsule, so I could access my library on my AE's hard disk from my ATV directly, without having my computer as a middle-man.
Yes, I do find it annoying - Maybe I don't want everyone in my family to be able to access my iTunes library... What would really be cool is if they brought Home Sharing to the AirPort Express and Time Capsule, so I could access my library on my AE's hard disk from my ATV directly, without having my computer as a middle-man.

I think the whole point of using Home Sharing is definitely for flexibility in the future. They are basically prepared for when they start to roll out the iTunes Cloud features.
If Apple just would fix that you cant stream movies natively from your PC to your ipad/iphone. The Apple TV can do it, why apple hasn't implemented this is beyond my belief.

However, hopefully you can use apps like air video, and send to the Apple TV

On a Mac you can enable web sharing and stream content from that Mac to an iPhone/iPad (you view the content in Safari on the iOS device and you can zoom/go full screen using the standard playback controls). This even works for protected iTunes content and you don't need any third-party apps or extensions. In my hands this has worked very well, I can even stream from a lowly PowePC Mac mini with no problems whatsoever. The only limitation is that the content must be in a format that is supported natively on the iPhone/iPad and the files to be streamed must be linked to a directory that is enabled for web sharing.
how is your network setup? I was thinking maybe its cause my apple tv is wired to the network instead of being directly wireless like the ipad/iphone.

I am using a linksys wrt320n. I have tried wired and wireless.

I have had issues with both concerning homesharing.

Homesharing is clearly bugged.
After I got the home sharing to work for both my MBP and my iPhone remote app, i'm wondering (from within the Remote app) why :apple:TV2 can't select the various speakers around my apartment. Both iTunes and my original :apple:TV (when controlled from the Remote app) can select/deselect the speakers. Will this only be available once iOS 4.2 comes out? Likewise with streaming from the iPhone....this iEcosystem is getting crowded, and ironically, confusing.
I don't like the way that your content is no longer at the top level. Part of the joy of ATV as a solution was that it was idiot proof and even technophobes could just pick up the remote and get going. It was all there at the top leve, "My Movies, My Music etc".

Going to "Computers" first isn't as intuitive at all imo.
It's really a shame that they haven't designed the device for content that you already have. I don't mind having to go to the computers menu as much, but can you really not sure all your artwork and stuff from PC stored videos on the :apple: TV2?
Whoa, did not know about this at all.

Basic question: If I want my iTunes movies to appear at the top-level of my (future) AppleTV, do I need to get an older model? I do not buy or rent movies from iTunes, this will be purely for watching DVD rips.
Can't help feeling that many of the problems noted above are due to unrealistic expectations. If you want, for example, to stream non iTunes stuff get a WDTV Live this device does exactly what Apple said it would do, I bought it on that expectation and I am thrilled with it.

Don't know also why there appear to be issues with home sharing - it just works for me and I have all sorts of 'complications' like Linksys router, homeig networks and a very old house.

I hope all your issues get resolved, really I do, but don't complain when it doesn't do something out of specification.
Can't help feeling that many of the problems noted above are due to unrealistic expectations. If you want, for example, to stream non iTunes stuff get a WDTV Live this device does exactly what Apple said it would do, I bought it on that expectation and I am thrilled with it.

First off - sure, if you buy this and expect not to have to use iTunes, that's pretty stupid. I have no doubt a cloud or even NAS-based system will be on the way at some point, but right now it's very obvious you need Home Sharing and whatnot enabled to use it.

(As an aside - I'm certain Time Capsule or APBS could be updated to support some manner of home sharing without needing a computer turned on all the time, perhaps only needing to authenticate when you're copying stuff to it?)

I think the complaint is more of a UI issue than anything, going by the comments. You've now got a bunch of extra clicks to get to iTunes streamed stuff.

I was about to pick one up when I realised they've relegated all your existing content into one corner under 'Computers', and put the (practically useless in Australia) rental stuff front-and-centre. This is not only for your handbraked/torrented/etc DVD's and TV Shows, but stuff you buy via iTunes on a Mac as well.

It strikes me as odd when the very point of Home Sharing and whatnot is to essentially create a unified home library of all your content that can be accessed by a bunch of different devices. The current distinction on Apple TV doesn't really sell that concept at all.

It's doubly weird because Take 2 fixed this particular issue with the old model ('My Movies', 'My TV Shows', etc). They've regressed the UI.
Well thats not entirely fair. The Old Apple TV worked differently than this one and so users who made the switch and/ore were familiar with the old interface will find the new one to be what appears "less integrated".

But i think people are insane if they bought this thinking it would be as free and open as a WD or Plex or Boxee. I mean are the experiences with iOS and iphone/ipad really that far removed from everyones collective memories?

Apple design products for 90%+ of their user base and for them this is the impementation they want to ingrain. Its all about online services. Thats why its rent and not buy - for now. Once they have iTunes in the cloud, all your movies and tv and music will appear under the top level menu with the online being all the services and apps being all available apps. All your home media is stuffed under a second level menu because apple needs to provide that functionality now but they want to make it clear its a whole separate category/class. As the online services are delivered it will complement the home media services which will then (in apples opinion) be less relevant because you will have everything online.

I am not saying I agree but the implementation makes sense when you look at it from that perspective.

That said, what this device really needs is a spotlight feature so you could search for a playlist, artist, song or album across all connected devices.
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