I know it's heretical to think such, but yeah, there are definitely things I miss about IE. On the whole, I'm happy using Safari, but... I found downloading files to wherever I wanted them much easier in IE, as well as queuing up a bunch of files to download one at a time. (Apple seems to have forgotten with OS X that we don't all have broadband yet.) I really miss the subscribe function -- not the way it was implemented, that little popup box drove me nuts -- but it was worth the annoyance to simply be able to check my bookmarks and see which of the hundred sites had changed lately.
But most of all, I miss being able to easily turn off custom fonts and colors. I visit far too many sites with content I want, but whose "designers" are colorblind. I'm guessing that the "style sheet" preference in Safari might help that, if only because I simply can't believe Apple didn't include _some_ way to deal with it. But I got bored with html before style sheets became popular and don't particularly want to spend the time learning something new just to do what I could in IE with a few clicks. I suppose I'm going to have to sooner or later, though.