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i don't miss it, but i'm still required to use it for certain sites like dish network for bill paying and for my college's online course department.
I have to use it sometimes because my college's exchange webmail page is horribly miscoded. It doesn't always run well on IE for Mac, either, and sometimes it's so bad that I have to give up and check my college account in the computer lab in the library.
My favorite clothing designer's website works in IE, but not safari:

My favorite DJ's website doesn't work in Safari either, but works in IE:

Ryze networking's website, like friendster but for business contacts won't take updates to my profile in Safari or IE on my mac, or even Firebird on my PC, I *have* to use IE on the pc. what ass, i'm not even going to link to their site, that's so horrible.

but in general I love Safari. It makes web surfing easy. But I do leave the debug menu on to quickly open something in IE when I think something is amiss with whatever site i'm on.
Originally posted by pepeleuepe
The only thing I miss is having more print options in IE. Also, the print preview option saved lots of paper. So if Safari added more printing options, I would be a happy camper.

You can preview in safari, just select print, and check out all the options at the bottom of the print window.

Also, I was about to go check out the sites that didn't work in Safari, and compare em to IE, but realized I didnt' install it :p

My friends want me to switch to firebird, but i think it looks dumb.
Originally posted by caveman_uk
I only use it when something doesn't work right in Safari...
What I am seeing is a growing number of sites that simply do not work in anything other than IE. I am also seeing a growing number of sites that don't require IE for access, but work as designed only in the M$ browser. With M$'s stopping development of IE as a standalone browser for all platforms, I am very concerned that we may soon find ourselves forced to use Windows to access most sites on the Web.
Originally posted by MisterMe
What I am seeing is a growing number of sites that simply do not work in anything other than IE.

We must go to very different sites.

Compared to 3 years ago, I'm seeing a growing number of sites that work with non IE browsers like Safari and Mozilla. It's been ages since I've seen a site I had to go back to IE for (and if I ever do, I just go to a competing site).

But I surf mostly news, with the occasional online purchase.
i agree, i would not use a site that does not have the foresight to make thei site compatible with browsers other than IE... is one example... you can't even browse it! what are they trying to do?? kimp on the bandwidth?

not even Mozilla works AFAIK
I don't even have Explorer installed anymore. For those rare pages that won't work in Safari I don't need the information that badly--I boycott.

If I'm stuck without a choice--as I used to be with my bank--Explorer in VPC does the trick. At the same time I consider switching banks.
The best thing to do is to contact he Webmaster of the site in question and tell them you can't access it. The more people complain, the better the chance of them fixing it. Fidelity was one that didn't support anything other IE and Netscape; their reasoning was security. If that was truly the case, they wouldn't allow IE. I gave them six months to fix it and then I moved all of my money. They tried a lot of things to keep me as a customer. I told them no thanks, I can make my own decisions and I will not use IE, if that's what you want to support that's fine, its your business to run as you see fit.

Simply boycotting them is not the answer unless they refuse to fix the problem. CompUSA had a problem with Opera, one email and a few days later it was fixed. It turns out when they tested it; Opera was setup to identify itself as IE.
For some reason, the Alienware website doesn't work 90% of the time on either Safari nor IE for the Mac, but in that rare instance, it works perfectly fine. I wonder what would cause that.
I use IE all the time for one of my projects that uses .htaccess for authorizations. Safari dutifully remembered the first username and password I ever typed into it, while IE lets me log in as someone else by closing and restarting the app.

I can make Safari forget, but in the process, it forgets a ton of other usefull stuff, like being logged in to various forums. I wouldn't mind a thing that somehow logged me out while in Safari.
Stupid IE, I never use it. In fact, I think I deleted it a couple months back.

Some of you are right about safari being a little edgy with some sites. But don't use IE as the solution! Get Camino, Mozilla, or something, but don't pollute the internet with an IE presence please.
Safari print help needed

On the issue of Safari print, what am I doing wrong? I can't ever get Safari to ever print a page that's not microscopic in the lower left corner. I have to use IE for anything on the web that I need to print. (But now I'll go try out those other browsers mentioned in previous posts)

Please help with my print issue. I do use the preview option and that's how I know it's not ok. Also shows up the same when I save as PDF via Print dialog.

Setup, See Signature;
Plus Epson all-in-one printer/scanner USB
G5 Firmware up to date
Try saving to a PDF first, and print that. Maybe your printer drivers are not properly being told the dimensions of the "window", but saving to a PDF will make a native version of the file in question.
I know it's heretical to think such, but yeah, there are definitely things I miss about IE. On the whole, I'm happy using Safari, but... I found downloading files to wherever I wanted them much easier in IE, as well as queuing up a bunch of files to download one at a time. (Apple seems to have forgotten with OS X that we don't all have broadband yet.) I really miss the subscribe function -- not the way it was implemented, that little popup box drove me nuts -- but it was worth the annoyance to simply be able to check my bookmarks and see which of the hundred sites had changed lately.

But most of all, I miss being able to easily turn off custom fonts and colors. I visit far too many sites with content I want, but whose "designers" are colorblind. I'm guessing that the "style sheet" preference in Safari might help that, if only because I simply can't believe Apple didn't include _some_ way to deal with it. But I got bored with html before style sheets became popular and don't particularly want to spend the time learning something new just to do what I could in IE with a few clicks. I suppose I'm going to have to sooner or later, though.
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