They don’t even slow down the iPhones. Why would they slow down the iPads?I have an iPad Air 2 and had it for over 2 years now and believe it or not it is still on iOS 9.3.4 and am not looking to upgrade to iOS 11 because I want to have the best performance and awesome smoothness on my iPad and the fear of Apple might be slowing down the iPads as well.
But I am wondering does Apple slows down iPads just like they do with older iPhones??
I am really really curious about if Apple actually does this to iPads as well because of the news about Apple slowing older iPhones to protect the battery.
Can anyone test this on there iPads please to see if Apple actually slows down iPads as well??
I really really hope Apple does not slow down iPads as well!!!!
They cap power-intensive draws to prevent battery shutdowns. That’s not slowing down the phones. The phones will have slower speeds because of the lack of power received, but it isn’t a “slowdown” or “planned obscelesence” or anything you want to cry about.