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Yes, I just did the software upgrade,which was large, the WiFi seems faster and as yet has not dropped the connection, the next few days will be the real test:rolleyes:
I was going to ask the same thing. Just got home and don't have time to update and test before I need to go back out again. I really hope this did it, and my proof that Apple was going to take care of this problem is finally a reality.
Well I can say that so far it has fixed the wifi issue, at least Here on my G Network.

I'm getting what seems to be a faster connection, I need to test it for sure against my last speed test to be sure however.

I usually get about 1-2 "connecting" pop ups a hour when typing from my porch or sofa, not so much as one in the past hour.
It's definately fixed the WiFi issue for me(with auto brightness on and off). HD videos on YouTube always stuttered, when they ran flawlessly on my PC. Via the native app and the mobile website, I've ran a ton of videos, with no problems.
Not convinced about the Safari tabs though, until I do more testing.
My wifi seems better. Previously one bedroom of my apartment would loose my wifi signal but now I have a consistent 1-2 bars. Looking good.
Anyone know if the 3.2.1 fixes the issues logging into certain hotel WiFi's?

I am just back from vacation (Boston Ma), and I could log into my hotel's WiFi no problem with my iPhone 4, but my iPad, using 3.2 refused to log in.
After switching my network to WPA2 to accommodate my iPad, i realized that bonjour on my iMac wasn't functioning properly when attempting wifi syncing with apps like 1password and things. I gave up and went back to WEP, which KILLED my iPad connectivity. I'm talking like 2x within each 10 minute interval.

After performing the upgrade, I haven't seen it drop my connection once. Im absolutely pumped. My iPhone signal now "appears" worse my ipad connectivity is perfect (so far).
3.2.1 really has seemed to help my wifi issues. I was having to reconnect over and over and since I've upgraded I haven't had to reconnect once. It's been like it should have been from the beginning.
My wifi just dropped for the first time ever after applying the update. All other machines on the network could get on fine. Turning wifi off then back on resolved it. Could have been an anomaly, so I'll wait and see before drawing any conclusions.
I'll reserve final judgement until I try it on my Overdrive unit at the office tomorrow... But my tests here at the house tonight with the Overdrive went ok (albeit it was short..)

Normally I can hardly surf for 5 minutes without the connection dropping when hooked up to the Overdrive, but my tests tonight went fine even after 20 minutes.

Will let you know tomorrow...

No Wifi Issues!

Been playing with my 3G on wifi for the past four hours. Works without a hitch!

Just one thing, when I used to wake it from sleep, Wifi used to get disconnected. It still doesn't show the wifi connection symbol/status symbol on the top left corner, but the wifi is still working!???
Do I smell a Username Hijacking??? LOL


I saw your UserName several months back and thought the same but then looked at your member since year and said WTH! LOL!!! I really didn't see yours before creating mine several years back.

Great minds think alike I guess! :)

I'm about to test out the iOS 3.2.1 as it just got done downloading. The wifi thing has been pissing me off so much lately that I haven't even been using my iPad. I didn't take it back because I knew Apple would be releasing a fix for it. I just didn't think it would have taken this long!
Both my iPhone 4 and iPad both suffer from incompatibility with our dual band Cisco network at work. Both devices constantly reboot when connected. It has becomes so problematic I have to connect via a Sprint Overdrive.

So no, it didn't fix my issues.
Working very well for me; did have to do an extra reboot though; hung for a while. That has been a consistent problem.

Was starting to get ready to give up on the iPad until the update, everything good now!

I saw your UserName several months back and thought the same but then looked at your member since year and said WTH! LOL!!! I really didn't see yours before creating mine several years back.

Great minds think alike I guess! :)

I'm about to test out the iOS 3.2.1 as it just got done downloading. The wifi thing has been pissing me off so much lately that I haven't even been using my iPad. I didn't take it back because I knew Apple would be releasing a fix for it. I just didn't think it would have taken this long!

My new username: iPhoneHomed :p
It's definitely better for me. Used to always have to wait for YouTube videos to load and pause/play over and over while they buffered. Also noticed low signal strength downstairs in my apt (AirPort is upstairs in my office).

Now YouTube videos play from the start and buffer fine all the way through with no waiting, pages load faster, Safari doesn't seem to refresh pages when re-opening them from the thumbnail view, and overall performance just seems smoother and snappier. Great job Apple!
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