LOL. <M>If you're going to bold it and italicise it, spell it correctly; definitely ;-)
NB: I expected more from you, BergerFan!
LOL. <M>If you're going to bold it and italicise it, spell it correctly; definitely ;-)
NB: I expected more from you, BergerFan!
updated and still no Traditional Chinese Handwriting input! Come on Apple!!!
I'll reserve final judgement until I try it on my Overdrive unit at the office tomorrow... But my tests here at the house tonight with the Overdrive went ok (albeit it was short..)
Normally I can hardly surf for 5 minutes without the connection dropping when hooked up to the Overdrive, but my tests tonight went fine even after 20 minutes.
Will let you know tomorrow...
It's definitely better for me. Used to always have to wait for YouTube videos to load and pause/play over and over while they buffered. Also noticed low signal strength downstairs in my apt (AirPort is upstairs in my office).
Now YouTube videos play from the start and buffer fine all the way through with no waiting, pages load faster, Safari doesn't seem to refresh pages when re-opening them from the thumbnail view, and overall performance just seems smoother and snappier. Great job Apple!