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funny thing I just noticed, Mountain Lion's xbench score is way worse than Lion's/Snow Leopard's on my C2D iMac 27". I'm quite surprised and somewhat disappointed... Animations, apart from Facebook scrolling in Safari and Mission Control with more than 10 windows are silky smooth though.

Well, xBench hasn't been reliable for a good number of years now, you know... ;)
ML and ML server in one pack?

Will I be able to update from Lion to ML, without also updating remnants of SL server that are still on my HD.

This keeps me worried, as I certainly believe that after uninstalling Lion Server, my iMac 2012-1 ended up being slow.

Will ML only update the Lion desktop components and thus eliminate the remnants of the server install??

I think alot of people on this forum have a skewed perspective on how long the average consumer uses their computer (mac or pc) and buy a new one.

Alot of consumers also think they need to buy a high end computer so it lasts very long, 5 to 7 years.

There's no need to switch every 2 years for day to day tasks. I will never judge people who do, it's probably very fun, but i can still open word and the internet on a mac from 6 years ago.

I find it absurd if people whine how little performance gain they get when switching every other year.
I downloaded the GM this morning and it's running great so far. I highly recommend updating to it if you're on the fence. The GM is 99.9999% the final build that will be released to the public when ML is publicly released, so instead of waiting the 2+ weeks it might be till its public, you can just download it now.

It's very stable so far and I haven't found any bugs.
OP here.... Well I took the plunge and did a clean install of ML on my 2.0 Core2 iMac.

The verdict?
Yes, it does bring the snappiness back to OSX. My machine feels nearly as snappy as Snow Leopard and the system just feels really smooth overall. All the animations that just crawled on Lion are now satisfactory (not perfect, but good). Boot and shutdown times are vastly improved over Lion and I'm really digging it overall.

I believe I may own the oldest machine that officially supports SL, but it really did breathe new life into my 5 yr old baby.

And in case you're wondering - my impressions aren't only due to a fresh OS install... Lion was always crap no matter how young the install.
OP here.... Well I took the plunge and did a clean install of ML on my 2.0 Core2 iMac.

The verdict?
Yes, it does bring the snappiness back to OSX. My machine feels nearly as snappy as Snow Leopard and the system just feels really smooth overall. All the animations that just crawled on Lion are now satisfactory (not perfect, but good). Boot and shutdown times are vastly improved over Lion and I'm really digging it overall.

I believe I may own the oldest machine that officially supports SL, but it really did breathe new life into my 5 yr old baby.

And in case you're wondering - my impressions aren't only due to a fresh OS install... Lion was always crap no matter how young the install.
Is there a guide which explains how to do a clean install?

I'll lose everything by doing it this way, right?
How long would it take?

Do you actually think it'll be worth it? Lion runs like trash on my Macbook 7,1 - maybe ML will fix this through an upgrade?

Thanks for the update OP.

I also have a mid-2007 iMac (2.4 Core2 Duo, 4GB Ram, Radeon HD 2600, Snow Leopard), and I've been wondering whether or not to upgrade to Mountain Lion. I held off on Lion because of some sub-par reviews, but it's good to hear that ML is doing well on a five year-old machine.

I may have to take the plunge in the next few weeks!
I tried 10.7 three or four times on my mid-2007 iMac with a Radeon HD 2400. The hard drive has been swapped for an SSD, so the general performance was okay, but I found the animations in Lion to be so sluggish that it made my machine feel very laggy. I'm a heavy Expose user, so the Mission Control delays were unacceptable.

10.6 is smooth as silk, but many of the ML features look pretty appealing. Anyone have experience on a similar machine or graphics card?

ML is smooth. Beautifully smooth. Artistically smooth. And oh so snappy. It brought happy tears of joy to my eyes :D

It's smooth and feels faster on my 2011 MBP as well as my 2009 Mac Mini, on which Lion was lag-city... :D

ML Is everything Lion should have been the first time around, and more! :D

Thank you, :apple:.
Thank you Steve.
Thank you Tim.
Is there a guide which explains how to do a clean install?

There is a guide on this forum, The gist of it is:

1. Make a bootable ML Usb drive (8GB is a must!)
2. Mount the drive, Restart, Hold down Alt/Option
3. Boot from the USB drive. DO NOT click install lion yet.
4. Use Disk Utility to erase Macintosh HD
5. Now, go back and Click to install ML. Select the Destination Drive
6. Run the install :) It should work.
7. You'll be up and running. If you have disks for iWork and iLife, be sure to install those next. Then, go to the mac app store to run software updates.

(WARNING FOR BOOTCAMP USERS) - If you have a non-standard Bootcamp partition, ML will be unable to install... This will cause massive problems - you'll have to drag out your original mac install disks, and start from scratch! If you're not sure if bootcamp partitions are non-standard or not, then REMOVE windows, after doing a backup!

I'll lose everything by doing it this way, right?
Yes. Be sure you have a working time machine backup in case things go horribly wrong.
Also, you can re-import your iTunes or iPhoto libraries by:

1. clicking on those apps
2. letting your mac make the library files
3. Moving the library files from your time machine backup into place. (plug in the time machine drive and open backups.backupdb and inside, you'll see a folder called "latest" which is basically the latest files on your Macintosh HD from your last install. Go to Users/Your User Name and restore the libraries to your home folder.
4. Open iTunes or iPhoto to verify that your libraries transplanted correctly.

Note: iPhoto may verify/upgrade your library to the new version. This is normal

Note #2: DO NOT move any libraries into place BEFORE upgrading to the latest ML compatible versions of iWork/ iLife. Heck, don't even open those apps until you've done the upgrades!

How long would it take?

Took me about 1 hour. Not bad :)

Do you actually think it'll be worth it? Lion runs like trash on my Macbook 7,1 - maybe ML will fix this through an upgrade?

ML Runs AMAZINGLY smooth on my 2009 Mac mini,and my late 2011 MBP :) It's everything Lion should have been and more! :D

It made me supper happy :D It's snappy, smooth, and sexy. ;)

EDIT: Everything I told you is from my personal experiences upgrading all 4 of the macs in our home, using clean installs. The installer went bonkers on the mac mini because I had Windows XP in bootcamp which I'd force-installed under Lion.
I'm using a late 2007 MacBook Pro and Mountain Lion is a dream compared to Lion. Everything just feels snappier and scrolling is very smooth. The whole experience just feels faster all around.
Here is my experience with 10.6 -> 10.7 -> 10.6 -> 10.8

Machine: 2010 13" MBP (2.4ghz C2D, 128gb crucial M4, 8gb ram)

When I first went from SL -> Lion, I was running a stock 5400rpm HDD and 4gb RAM and was quite disappointed with Lion. The animations were a bit sluggish and my battery life had dropped from 8+ hours to around 4-5 hours. I also encountered a couple of bugs and lost the general snappiness of the system. After persevering for a few months, I downgraded back to SL.

Compared to Lion, SL was very snappy, even with a 5400rpm drive and even more so when I dropped in an SSD.

I updated to ML this morning and imo THIS is the release of OSX that is the true successor to SL. Animations are fluid, the system is quick to respond, apps launch quickly and I feel like I'm running a tweaked version of SL.

I currently have brightness set to a 1-2 notches below half, wifi on, keyboard backlight on and running word, safari, mail, iTunes, calender and reminders in the background. My battery shows that I'm at 91% charge and is reporting a solid 6hours:20 minutes to go. On a full charge, I think it should last 7+ hours which I'm very happy with as this is much better than the 4-5 hours I was getting with Lion.

Long story short: ML is much smoother than Lion and I highly recommend anybody to upgrade to it, even if you are running a C2D machine like me.

A friend of mine with the same machine but the stock configuation of a 5400rpm drive/4gb ram also informed me that ML is way smoother and snappier on his system than Lion ever was. He reckons SL was just slightly quicker at launching apps compared to ML but the difference is minimal.

We can both also report that whether you have a 5400rpm drive or an SSD, scrolling has smoothed out alot in ML compared to Lion.

Oh and dare I say it? Safari on ML seems snappier :D
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