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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 5, 2003
USA, New York
Ok folks.....I've tried Limewire, Aquisition, Kazaa(on VPC with descent results) and Poisoned(being the best so far). None of them are even close to the download speed and times of let's say Kazaa on Windows or even AudioGalaxy(for those who remembered it back in the day. Glory days)....... questions is very simple. Doesn P2P just generally suck on the Mac? Also, does anybody have any views on how it can get better? more question! Has anybody tried this new one called "KaZaA Lite, the K++ edition"?,24330,3464142,00.html

every week someone new posts a thread almost exactly like this. try doing a search in the forums for p2p and may come across a wonderful app named "poisoned"
3 Progams:

1) Poisoned .4 -- OpenFT, FastTrack, Gnutella
2) mlMac -- eDonkey
3) BitTorrent -- No central network, you have to know the sites.

I use Poisoned and Bit Torrent the most, but you need to know the sites for Bit Torrent... if you get my drift.

No, Limewire sucks its bloated... aquisiton/liberty is dead... and Why the hell did you even TRY anything on VPC on a Dual 1.42 it only emulated like a 700 MHZ PC... with like no graphics.

Originally posted by mnkeybsness
every week someone new posts a thread almost exactly like this. try doing a search in the forums for p2p and may come across a wonderful app named "poisoned"
He said that in his first post...

And the KaZaA lite K++ version is better then KaZaA because of no SpyWare, but for the mac... no... VPC just outight sucks for much of everything.

Maybe next version.
Re: Does P2P just SUCK on the Mac?

mldonkey has the best network support. (mlnet is based on it)

Da P2P issue

Regardless of who ever replied what....thanks. Very helpful. In response to the why I tried VPC.........I actually firsted installed it to see if I can get DVDXCOPY working on it then I figured, "Hell" Let me just give Kazaa a shot. I must say I've gotten as much or more stuff/results from Kazaa using VPC than native Limewire(which sucks regardless). In the grand scheme of things, VPC is WAY too slow and can't imagine it getting any faster. Who knows though, with the new G5's and the aquisition of VPC by MS, let's see if it get's any better. "It's a multi-platform world kids and you do what you gotta do to get the job done."

Fellas...thanks again for the info.

Mlmac not only supports edonkey but also Kazaa and Bit Torrent. I haven't used poisioned but i did use gift for a period of time. Mlmac was better didn't have to think about getting it to work. It just did
You are the first person that I've heard write "Kazaa" and "fast" in the same sentence.

I have a PC and Kazaa is the slowest P2P out there. I have Comcast Cable so they could be purposely slowing ports down that run Kazaa.

Right now speed is the least of my worries. I want something with NO spyware period.
Originally posted by Macpoops
Mlmac not only supports edonkey but also Kazaa and Bit Torrent. I haven't used poisioned but i did use gift for a period of time. Mlmac was better didn't have to think about getting it to work. It just did
Yeah There is no more compiling, it is all automatic, the way it should ne.

It works great now.

Originally posted by nuckinfutz
You are the first person that I've heard write "Kazaa" and "fast" in the same sentence.

I have a PC and Kazaa is the slowest P2P out there. I have Comcast Cable so they could be purposely slowing ports down that run Kazaa.

Right now speed is the least of my worries. I want something with NO spyware period.
For PC:
KaZaA Lite K++ best out there right now.
No spyware... speedy connection, all around better.

BTW, i don't see how mlMac has support for Bit Torrent... or half the places they claim to support.
Is the neomodus DC client the only one available for the Mac? DC++ on Windoze is much better, and I'd love to see a mac client have half that functionality... For example, the official DC client for mac doensn't support Unicode file names. Problem is, half the files I'm sharing/downloading have unicode file names... :rolleyes:
Originally posted by orangefoodie
Is the neomodus DC client the only one available for the Mac? DC++ on Windoze is much better, and I'd love to see a mac client have half that functionality... For example, the official DC client for mac doensn't support Unicode file names. Problem is, half the files I'm sharing/downloading have unicode file names... :rolleyes:
yes, unfortunately, it's the only DC for Mac client I'm aware of. You're right, it's not nearly as good as the Windows version. But for me, it gets the job done. I've never run into that problem you describe. There's always Virtual PC...
What are the best mac servers for direct connect? I know there was this really good private one with like 200-300 people but i reformatted my harddrive and i lost it. So if people could post dc mac servers I'd appreciate it!
Sigh. And I thought the point of switching to Macs was to get away from the Microsoft dependence. :( Stupid windows is like doing drugs --- the more you try to pull away from it, the harder it gets... First OpenCanvas, Tageditors, Emule, and now DC...
Originally posted by orangefoodie
Sigh. And I thought the point of switching to Macs was to get away from the Microsoft dependence. :( Stupid windows is like doing drugs --- the more you try to pull away from it, the harder it gets... First OpenCanvas, Tageditors, Emule, and now DC...

Yep. Blame the developers. At least running Windows apps on a Mac is an option...

excalibur: try these sites

That's all I have at the moment. Don't forget to try filtering out public servers against the search term "mac".
i least you have the option of running windows on the Mac. Even if it's slow as a snail. I still believe that you should have a separate Windows machine and Mac. Even a inexpensive Windows machine is faster than VPC.

How do you all feel about the concept of "Being Loyal to a specific platform"? Should you stick to your guns or are you just shooting yourself in the foot?

Platform loyalty is really only a hinderance in circumstances where the other operating system is clearly the superior choice in your field. It can also be a liability if the current platform gives you nothing but trouble.

Platform loyalty is an asset when it prevents you from considering an operating system at which you are less proficient and offers no clear objective benefit to your needs.
About the download speeds...

Slow downloads has always been a bad point for P2P. Consider what is happening; Millions of people on rural/home internet connections sharing files, most people want to download more than upload, and even if this is not the case for everyone the fact is it is easier to download than upload.

imho P2P often 'sucks' because it is a scene that is always changing. New protocals, new OS's, different OS's, evading anti piracy organisations, conforming with anti piracy organisations, supporting new technology (hardware and software), compatibility with older software, etc.. etc.. Factor all this together and it does become messy.

For the people that do steal music/software on these networks (not everyone) it has always seemed to me abit odd that they complain about speeds when they are getting something for free.

But anyway I am sorry for ranting :) I do agree that P2P software on macs can be a bit bad, but if you hunt around you can find some gems such as Mlmac and Bittorrent as others recommend.
After using LimeWire, Poisoned is AWESOME!!! I still can't compare it to Kazaa on the PC because my PC I ordered is coming in tomorrow.
Originally posted by Vlade
After using LimeWire, Poisoned is AWESOME!!! I still can't compare it to Kazaa on the PC because my PC I ordered is coming in tomorrow.

I don't even know why people even used Limewire... even back there there was HotLine and all of those places...

Poisoned is good because it connects to more than FastTrack, also connects to OpenFT (gift its own protocal) and Gnutella (partial, see next version)
Yes. P2P does suck on the Mac.

That being said, I think P2P sucks in general. I did Hotline, I occasionaly venture onto Carracho, and I have expiremented with every napster/Kazaa clone out there. Bottom line is, its all a headache.

That being said, might there be a reason this is all so hard? Why is it that the Mac is so easy, but getting music on the Mac isn't. Simple. It's stealing. Whether or not you agree with the law, the fact is its there and it makes it harder to do these things. So do your self a favor. Log onto the iTunes store and rejoice in the fact that we are the only platform to have such a resource. Notice how easy it is. Paying for music doesn't hurt.


If you are willing to take the time to learn how it works, mlDonkey does the job. You can search bitTorrent, fastTrack, edonkey, Overnet and Gnutella. If you want the version with a GUI, get mlMac: it doesn't have all the features, but if you are still missing a few things, you can pass commands to the mlDonkey daemon (running underneath the mlMac GUI) via your usual browser.

I'm sure you will like it...
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