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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 3, 2012
Since sometime in the beta cycle the profile picture in the App Store in the top right disappeared for me. It's just the generic profile icon now. The Mac App Store still shows it. I know this is a small thing but it's really triggering me haha. Does anyone have the same issue or is it just a bug on my side for whatever reason?
Yeah I can see mine...never noticed it before if I'm honest until I saw this thread 😅
Yes, for me

Are you using two separate accounts, one for iCloud and the other for purchases? I know that it will use your second account’s profile picture for the App Store.
Yes, for me

Are you using two separate accounts, one for iCloud and the other for purchases? I know that it will use your second account’s profile picture for the App Store.

Yes, I do but both have a profile picture set. I think this started over the summer when I changed the picture to something else and it just disappeared from the App Store. Either that or it came with one of the betas.

I came here searching for this thread. I swear until recently it was in there because I click on it to update my apps. I noticed it’s just a generic photo and it’s driving me nuts. Yes, I use two accounts, but I swear it was all synced before.
This is super weird. I just tried logging out and then I logged in with my iCloud account and that profile photo shows up immediately. Going back to my regular Apple ID, nothing shows up. I submitted a bug report for this, if anyone wants do dupe it: FB13218869
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The same thing is happening to me - oddly enough, since I have two Apple IDs (one for iCloud, one for purchases), the profile icon would not show on any pre-Sonoma macOS versions, but now it does. But it's now missing from the App Store in iOS now despite working in all previous versions. Really wish Apple would let us merge Apple IDs, seems like there's bugs with every release for folks stuck with the two accounts.
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I'm using separate accounts for iCloud and Purchases and have the same issue. For me, it's only on my iPad and iPhone and only in the App Store app where my profile pic doesn't show. It shows everywhere else like music, podcasts, books where I use the same account. Strangely enough, it also shows properly in the macOS App Store.

I can even change the profile pic on the Appleid website and it syncs across the apps that work.
I have two Apple IDs. One from the US and one from Germany. It shows when I am logged into the store that is also my iCloud account but does not work with the ID that is not also my iCloud. I can replicate it every time I switch stores / Apple IDs
I have the same problem. I have two Apple IDs (one is my iCloud one, the other is for the App Store, Apple Music etc.), and the profile picture in the App Store disappeared with iOS 17. It still shows up on the Mac App Store in Sonoma. It only seems to affect users who have separate Apple IDs for iCloud and Media/Purchases.
Such a small thing but it bugs me to no end. I remember a similar issue a few years ago that got resolved with a software update so hopefully that'll happen again soon. Or hell freezes over and Apple lets us merge Apple IDs.
I had the same problem. Once I updated an Apple ID profile photo, the new picture appeared also in the App Store. Before I saw only initials.
I had the same problem. Once I updated an Apple ID profile photo, the new picture appeared also in the App Store. Before I saw only initials.
I've tried that several times. The updated photo appears online ( etc.) but never syncs down to the App Store (or the TV app). This seems to affect people that have one Apple ID for iCloud and another for the App Store/services. For example, I tried logging in with my App Store Apple ID on a test device as the primary iCloud account and the profile picture showed up just fine.
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Is this still the case for everyone? I’ve been waiting patiently and this is the same case for me. I have two Apple IDs as well. Everything was working as intended at the end of iOS 16.
Is this still the case for everyone? I’ve been waiting patiently and this is the same case for me. I have two Apple IDs as well. Everything was working as intended at the end of iOS 16.
Yes, as of iOS 17.3 the profile picture is still missing from every Apple app that displays it.
Just had this happen for the first time this morning on 17.3.1 reboot fixed it.. Have to see if it happens again
Glad it's transient for you. No amount of rebooting etc has fixed it for me.

Do you have 1 Apple ID or separate ones for iCloud and App Store/Media?
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