Oh, sorry to hear that. For us here in Germany this year was the first time (that I know of) that weather went crazy like that. Though still in a smaller scale than in the US. My girlfriend just bought a house with a big garden, and two months later the biggest and most beautiful tree was felled by storm. Some smaller towns got all roofs blown away. Hope it doesn't get worse.
Sadly, according to the Weather Channel, in the near future, we'll look back on 2011 and refer to it as "the good ole days," despite all of the natural catastrophes occurring this year all over the world. In other words, this is just the beginning of worldwide climatic devastation to accompany the worldwide financial/economic devastation, as if it needs companions. There's always a piper to pay. The destruction of parts of the ozone layer and the vanishing polar ice caps demand it from us. Just in this year, we've had record blizzards, early onset heavy snowfall, fires, rain, drought, tornados, floods and earthquakes, even east of the Mississippi River. Famously, the question was asked,"Am I my brother's keeper?" We're all brothers and sisters no matter where our ancestors may have traveled. I'm your keeper (and whenever you need help call on me) and you are mine and we are our planet's keeper. We might shirk our responsibilities as keepers. But the Truth shall endure until the end of humanity, as will the outcomes flowing from our denial of that the Truth.
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