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never, EVER trust TSA employees. i wouldn't be surprised if many of them have criminal records.
Just me???

Am I alone in the fact that using the iPad on a flight is one of the best uses? I had to fly from NJ to CA for work and I finally got to watch my Godfather trilogy...I got the box set for XMas but never had a chance to watch them all...
Wishing it to not happen isn't going to stop it. We all live in the world and that world has people of all kinds in it. You don't leave valuables on display inside your locked car, stores have all sorts of elaborate security in place - all because there are people around who will take advantage of a situation.

Nobody's "okay" with theft but you need to be aware that it happens regularly and you need to take measures to keep valuables safe.

I understand that you don't leave valuables in a car - but you are paying for the "privilege" of checking your luggage and expect it to arrive safe and intact - it's like paying for secure parking and then having them claim imdemnity when you car gets its wheels nicked. Additionally there's the privacy aspect - the contents of the luggage are private property and unless there is valid suspicion that there are illicit or dangerous contents, no-one has the right to even open your bag - or do you think it perfectly ok if you park your car in a secure garage with the knowledge that the staff there are going to slim-jim your car to check if there is anything worth stealing?

Honestly, if it were me, I'd try and sue the airline for failing to ensure that my stuff was safe and motivate everyone else who has suffered this to do the same - if airlines start to feel a financial backlash, then they will deal to the airports quicksmart (there would be no airport without the airlines going there) to get their crap together. I'm pretty sure that if he checks the conditions for portage he's more than likely entitled to compensation - I only fly with airlines that explicitly insure my luggage as part of the ticket price.
Can you tell me which airlines cover anything in your checked bag, even the ones (which are most of them) that contract out to ramp services in most major hubs. It could be an agent, a baggage handler, customs, etc from different companies...all that work with several airlines at one no telling who/where/connecting/destination it could have been lifted. Airlines will cover loss/damage up to a certain amount, other than specific valuables, cash, and medication. Atleast the agreements I've read when travelling are pretty clear about that, so I accept the conditions of travel based on that...atleast with the majors, and it's in black and white. If you can enlighten me with which airline(s) cover everything, including thousands in cash and/or millions in jewelry if the passenger decides to check it, it would be a first for me. I assumed that's what travel insurance is for. I find it similar to a private or public postal/shipping service. A claim can be filed to a certain amount, but if it's over that, then you have had to pay extra for insurance which is pretty clear also. There are bad seeds in all areas, and even though we shouldn't have to have a worry in the world, it is what it is so common sense is in order here. It's been like this for 50 years, and will be for atleast another 50. Even the airline industry, parking garages, postal services realize they can't monitor the thousands and thousands who work for them or companies that handle their contract, and in this case, it's not inconvenient to err on the side of caution and keep them with you in the passenger cabin. If anything, he could file a police report and claim with the carrier, and hopefully they'll do an investigation and try to find who might have taken them. If everyone did, then they could possibly narrow it down. Depending on the country there, there are some where it's a corrupt free for all.
Can you tell me which airlines cover anything in your checked bag, even the ones (which are most of them) that contract out to ramp services in most major hubs. It could be an agent, a baggage handler, customs, etc from different companies...all that work with several airlines at one no telling who/where/connecting/destination it could have been lifted.

As a passenger that is not his problem, but the airport's. If the airports were to execute such stringent regulation of their workforce as they do with passengers - which should be the norm anyway if the security were an actual attempt at improving safety - then theft shouldn't be an issue.

If you can enlighten me with which airline(s) cover everything, including thousands in cash and/or millions in jewelry if the passenger decides to check it, it would be a first for me.

You got me there - I always keep my cash on me in the event that you need to show that you have sufficient funds at the immiration counter before entering the country (and before collecting your luggage). Only needed to do that in Japan though.

My point is that we shouldn't continue accepting the status quo if the situation is unacceptable. Those doing the thieving often do so in part because they can (poor controls) and because they must (poor pay), so if airports were to address these two issues I'm pretty sure that workplace crime would drop to the point whereby you would feel secure leaving perfume in your check-in. Unfortunately this would mean that we would pay a wee bit more, and that is unacceptable for most of our fellow citizens that are trapped in their "private bubbles".
The FBI runs stings at airports every now and again. If you get caught stealing luggage at a US airport it is a FEDERAL crime, so you go to federal prison. There is also no parole from federal crimes, so you do the full sentence.

I bet that the guy who checked the 4 iPads did it to evade the chinese import taxes, but I bet he also had other stuff in his carry ons--laptops, cameras, etc. He may not have been able to carry the iPads on because he didn't have room. He probaby also wanted to leave them in the boxes so he could resell them.
Did he even have a lock on his luggage? I usually dont check luggage, I have a large carry-on, but when I do have the need to check luggage, it always has a lock on it. 4 digit combo lock or similiar. Cant be too careful.

Its unfortunate that we need to do that in today's day and age, but its a harsh reality. It really sucks this guy got his nice things stolen. It could have happened to any of us. Well, any of us with 4 iPads. :p
Wait, you're saying he checked a suitcase with 4 iPads, and when he got to his destination, they were gone? That's impossible!

Seriously, I hate to blame the victim, and it sucks for him, but how damned stupid do you have to be to put anything valuable in checked luggage?
Did he even have a lock on his luggage? I usually dont check luggage, I have a large carry-on, but when I do have the need to check luggage, it always has a lock on it. 4 digit combo lock or similiar. Cant be too careful.

Its unfortunate that we need to do that in today's day and age, but its a harsh reality. It really sucks this guy got his nice things stolen. It could have happened to any of us. Well, any of us with 4 iPads. :p

Seriously? In the US, you aren't allowed to have a lock on your luggage. Airport security has to be able to open it to check it if they feel the need to.
Seriously? In the US, you aren't allowed to have a lock on your luggage. Airport security has to be able to open it to check it if they feel the need to.

Not so. You let the front desk person know that your luggage is locked. They take you to a member of security, and they open your luggage in front of you to check it to make sure you arent carrying anything illegal. You explain what is valuable, and warrants the lock, and they take it (with you watching) to the same place that the front desk person would take your luggage to be boarded on the plane. That way you are cleared, and your property is protected. I live in the US, and Ive never had an issue with doing this.
Not so. You let the front desk person know that your luggage is locked. They take you to a member of security, and they open your luggage in front of you to check it to make sure you arent carrying anything illegal. You explain what is valuable, and warrants the lock, and they take it (with you watching) to the same place that the front desk person would take your luggage to be boarded on the plane. That way you are cleared, and your property is protected. I live in the US, and Ive never had an issue with doing this.

Oh ok I have never tried this but I usually don't keep anything valuable in my luggage so just never put a lock on it.

If you have a lock and you have to open it up for them and show them everything inside though, that would kind of defeat putting valuables in your luggage to smuggle them into another country though.
person who checks in ipad into checked luggage doesn't deserve to have that ipad :)
I hate flying because I am always worried that TSA is gonna F up my macbook pro. to the point I dont even take it with me anymore. I just take my ipad in my back pack.
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