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I feel sorry for any companies shipping off their iphone development to India on the cheap...seems like they're all on here getting others to do their work.
Yeah, and we're giving them the answers for free. Makes it real cheap. It's one thing to ask for the occasional help, especially when helping others back in return. It's another to bombard this forum with loads of question, some of which are pretty basic programming, and then never contribute back to the community. Posters who show a pattern of this I've chosen to no longer assist.
Posters who show a pattern of this I've chosen to no longer assist.

That's probably a good plan.

I don't want to pick on any particular country, but I've worked with a few of these outsourcing outfits. Some of them are pretty unscrupulous. They throw projects at developers who have next to no chance of completing them in any reasonable timeframe. Training is basically nonexistent. And if you don't produce, you're out. And forget about collecting your next paltry paycheck.

And the managers of this places wouldn't know a retain count from an orangutan. Nor do they care. "Hey, this fellow programmed an HTML last week, surely he can make an iPhone program for this customer this week."

It's all just "screens", right?
I don't know why anyone would outsource their software needs to some of these companies! If you ever actually get the software you ask them to produce it is usually of poor quality anyway, having said that I suppose you get what you pay for...
I don't know why anyone would outsource their software needs to some of these companies! If you ever actually get the software you ask them to produce it is usually of poor quality anyway, having said that I suppose you get what you pay for...

Well, I'm sure there are good firms (or maybe a good team or two in some firms), but my experience as a customer is you don't save any money in the long run at all.

You end paying for people cutting and pasting whatever random stuff they can find on forums and Google Code or whatever. Maybe some of it works, maybe not. Then you end up 3 months behind schedule and you have to hire proper developers to finish the project anyway (or you've lost enough cash to just drop the idea). Or scream loud enough and a manager will put one of their 10 - 20 actual qualified developers (out of thousands) on your project just long enough to not be sued.

Crazy business, really. But I actually feel sorry for the developers themselves. It's not their fault.
Well, I'm sure there are good firms (or maybe a good team or two in some firms), but my experience as a customer is you don't save any money in the long run at all.

You end paying for people cutting and pasting whatever random stuff they can find on forums and Google Code or whatever. Maybe some of it works, maybe not. Then you end up 3 months behind schedule and you have to hire proper developers to finish the project anyway (or you've lost enough cash to just drop the idea). Or scream loud enough and a manager will put one of their 10 - 20 actual qualified developers (out of thousands) on your project just long enough to not be sued.

Crazy business, really. But I actually feel sorry for the developers themselves. It's not their fault.

Exactly, not to mention that the chances of your application being future scalable are pretty much zilch. One of my previous employers outsource a lot of their internal software development to India (not that this applies to all software development houses in India, its just the only example I have to draw from) and as a result the majority of the software they have is of inferior quality and barely fit for purpose. As you say the money they save on getting the software developed is more than compensated for by getting portions rewritten and even the time spent by the employees finding ways of avoiding the use of the software etc. They don't learn from this though and are adamant that outsourcing is the future and a key part of their cost reducing incentives.

I just wonder how long it is going to take industries to realize that outsourcing to the poorer countries to (superficially) save a bit of money is usually counter productive in many, many ways.

I also feel sorry for the developers but generally they are very demanding of answers and have no issues with flooding the forum for answers to ridiculous questions. It's very easy to get annoyed with someone when you have helped them with a question and pretty much instantly they ask another question or completely dismiss any answer you have provided them. They are still capable of basic etiquette whether under pressure from managers or not and are in my opinion plain rude
They don't learn from this though and are adamant that outsourcing is the future and a key part of their cost reducing incentives.

Well, many times the decision makers on things like that wouldn't know a retain count from an orangutan themselves.

Again, I have no doubt that the actual developers in those countries (or any country) could learn to develop good code given the proper training and education. That's not the issue. The issue is unscrupulous firms who sell thousands of developers when in reality they have dozens.

And customers who hardly know any better. I was forced to outsource twice by investors/boards in companies I used to work for. I'll never do that again.

I also feel sorry for the developers but they are very demanding of answers and have no issues with flooding the forum for answers to ridiculous questions. It's very easy to get annoyed with someone when you have helped them with a question and pretty much instantly they ask another question. They are still capable of basic etiquette whether under pressure from managers or not and are in my opinion plain rude

Some of that is cultural. (I'm Indian, by the way). Some just poor English skills.

And some of that is intense pressure. Like "build this app or you're not paying the rent (or eating for that matter) this month. And I don't care if the requirements are way over your head."
Its a shame that people have to work under those conditions and even more of a shame how many large corporations take advantage of that for their own gain. Makes you realise how lucky you are really when its put into perspective
//when touch
-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event 
{   UIColor *theColor1;     
	UIColor *greenColor,*blackColor,*redColor;
	greenColor =[UIColor redColor];
	blackColor =[UIColor blackColor];
	redColor=[UIColor redColor];
	theColor1 =redColor;

[pictureScreenController colorizeImage:image1.image color:theColor1];	


+ (UIImage *)colorizeImage:(UIImage *)baseImages color:(UIColor *)theColor {
	NSLog(@"I am colorizeImage");
    CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
    CGRect area = CGRectMake(0, 0, baseImages.size.width, baseImages.size.height);
    CGContextScaleCTM(ctx, 1, -1);
    CGContextTranslateCTM(ctx, 0, -area.size.height);
    CGContextClipToMask(ctx, area, baseImages.CGImage);
    [theColor set];  //the color to set
    CGContextFillRect(ctx, area);//fill color
    CGContextDrawImage(ctx, area, baseImages.CGImage);//draw image
   UIImage *newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
    return newImage;// return image

[theColor set] contains

redColor : Color=UIDeviceRGBColorSpace 1 0 0 1//same values set for green and red
greenColor : Color=UIDeviceRGBColorSpace 1 0 0 1
blueColor: Color=UIDeviceRGBColorSpace 0 0 1 1
blackColor : Color = UIDeviceRGBColorSpace 0 1

But the color is not fill in the image
CGContextFillRect(ctx, area);//fill color

What i did wrong in the code?
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