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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 13, 2013
I have an iPod Touch 5G and I run a fairly small YouTube channel. I recently lost my jailbreak as I was forced to upgrade to iOS 7.1, meaning that unless I can downgrade my YouTube channel is pretty much over. I just reached the peak on it so far with 50,000 views per month and a little over 200 subscribers. I've talked to like thirty people now and nobody seems to be able to (and those that are able aren't willing) to help me. I don't have my SHSH blobs either. Really hoping that somebody can help me get back to iOS 7.0.6. :(

- Andrew

PS: If you want to check out my YouTube channel it's


macrumors 68020
Apr 7, 2014
Buffalo, NY
You can't downgrade. If you know how, then do it and don't ask on here how.

I don't see how an iPod touch iOS version can end a YouTube channel....


macrumors P6
Jan 24, 2010
You still can't downgrade even with Apple Connect. While you could sign it yourself, you'll be waiting thousands of years before you guess Apple's private signing key.
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