is there anyway round it so it was like the 'good old days' in itunes where:
1. name of the podcast is there, without us having to go through each individually to rename them to original name and date?
2 can we direct podcasts so it downloads to the external HD like when we had itunes? l have checked preferences and all the menu, but no option can be seenmy mbpr has limited space, and has gone down from ~90GB free to 15GB free since downloading catalina 10.15.
3. to delete podcasts
mikzn, thanks for reply. so for:1) the files are stored in the cache folder with very long file names for reference and sync and it makes it hard to identify the files - especially if you have a lot of downloaded podcasts - see screen shot below - you can edit the files if you can find the one you are searching for with any tag editor (VLC ?) but I am not sure how that will affect the synchronization with iOS devices ? Probably not a good idea - I have not tried it
2) Redirecting to external drive - again not sure how this will affect the synchronization with iOS devices ? Duplicates? it will definitely take up more space if you store a lot of back issues of the podcasts
3) I think it is best to use the Podcasts app to delete files so that they don not reappear form icloud / iOS devices
Initially i thought the separation of Podcasts in Catalina was a really good idea and thought that Apple would offer more features and improvements - but the opposite has happened - "Podcasts" has been "nerfed" to be more like the iOS app- to make it worse I find out my iPP 12.9 on iOS 13 is no longer recognized on Mojave - so no going back
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Welcome to Apple, it was bound to happen eventually, sadly. I'm waiting for a macOS jailbreak that'll allow you to access your computer's file system.I’m so glad Apple spent a decade turning Mac OS X into iPad OS and now with Catalyst it’s dumbing down is nearly complete. Killing the desktop, blocking users manage their files. <frown>
mikzn, thanks for reply. ˆˆˆˆˆˆ
Is this still possible the same way with the new dedicated Podcasts app as it was before im iTunes?
yes still possible to save "Podcasts" as per above comments and screen shot - FWIW I did not lose any podcasts when upgrading from Mojave to Catalina - it must have pulled them from the previous iTunes folder
that said IMHO, I would make a very good back up (on a separate unconnected drive) of the complete iTunes folder before upgrading
mikzn, thanks for your helping again. we arent as knowledgeable or techno'phobes' like me, actually love tech just not very smart!1) I just mentioned VLC because you can use it to edit the meta data - with VLC you can edit both video podcasts and audio podcasts but it is very clunky (confusing to use) and not a very good solution if you wish to edit more than 1 or 2 files
2) I don't know how to redirect the storage of podcasts to an external drive on Catalina - maybe a symlink - but it would probably be broken each time there is an upgrade of catalina? not sure
3) Yes use the 3 dots (•••) in the "Downloaded" menu in the sidebar to remove or save a Podcast to the local drive - I have noticed that to remove a local podcast I had to remove it 2 times (not sure why)
Might be a good idea to check the "Downloaded" folder to make sure the files are actually saved - it does seem easy to save the files locally
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