I don't think there is a way for Apple to keep 'Apple Music' music on a device when signing out of an account (or at least not after signing into a different account) except maybe to split the App Store and iTunes Store logins (and that would only solve half the problem, ie, only allow the logging into the App Store with a different ID). The could add an option to not delete downloaded music (but only hide it) after logging out of an account for a given amount of time (or not until a third account is used), but that seems such a hack that I cannot really see Apple adding a setting to this effect. They could (and probably should) make it easier to download music currently not available online, but downloading 26 GB is going to take a while even if it were very simple to initiate.Issue seems to appear when it struggled to download a song or when you cache a song then later try and cache a playlist maybe that has that song in it.
Im on IOS9 and have lost cached music around 2 times now.
I found the best way to cache music without issues is go Artist by Artist, so id start at A work my way to Z, select A-Ha - offline, then wait until it completes then onto the next one.
I managed to get every song i wanted cached offline this way without issues.
Thenmade the mistake of signing into app store with another apple ID which hard lesson learnt, signed me out of Apple Music , i then lost everything cached, all 26GB.
Been trying to get it all back again the last 3 days BUT got impatient and selected it to cache a playlist instead of artist by artist.
Lost everything again, it just disappeared, all 12GB
I feel your pain but enough is enough.
If I made Apple Music I'd be thoroughly ashamed of myself.
I think Jim Dalrymple was right and they simply don't know how to solve all the problems.
Yesterday approximately 5,000 songs disappeared from the Music app on my iPhone 6 Plus. I was listening to a downloaded song, while surfing Facebook, and the song stopped. When I went to the Music app to restart it, my entire library and all my playlists were gone. This was not only downloaded songs, but also ones added to my music but not downloaded. The Settings app reported there were no songs on my iPhone, yet the available memory did not increase. I had WiFi off at work, and resetting the iPhone did not solve the problem. The Music app still had me signed in, as the "For You" section still showed suggestions.
When I got home, I turned WiFi back on, and the Music app then showed all my playlists and songs added to My Music, but nothing was "made available for offline use". I began downloading songs, which takes forever. I opened iTunes on my Mac, and took a look at what it said was on my iPhone, and realized the Music app was now downloading duplicate songs, apparently couldn't see the songs that were still on the iPhone.
In frustration, I wiped the iPhone (full reset), started from scratch. I first reinstalled all my apps, and set up everything. Then I opened the Music app, which again showed all the songs and playlists in My Music, but none were downloaded. I selected the "Purchased Music" playlist, about 3,100 songs, and let it run all night while the iPhone was plugged in. In the morning it had only downloaded about 1,800 songs, and had failed to download a great many songs saying they were no longer available, or couldn't be downloaded at this time.
I turned off WiFi when I went to work, and the iPhone kept trying to download the songs even though I have the preferences set NOT to download music or apps on Cellular Data. This ran my battery down, and continued to interrupt me with alerts it couldn't download a song.
The iPhone resumed downloading songs when I returned home and turned WiFi back on. I took a nap and was happy to see it had now successfully downloaded almost all the remaining songs. The Settings app indicated it had also downloaded 20+ videos. I went into the video section of the Music app, showing the ones available on the iPhone, and deleted most of them.
I then examined one artist which the app had downloaded 4 albums. The first one was missing some songs, so I had it display the entire album, and tagged it to make the songs available for offline use.
Then over 2,000 downloaded songs disappeared from the iPhone. WTF !!!!!!!!!!
The Settings app showed 544 songs on the iPhone. iTunes on my Mac showed only 12 songs on the iPhone. I signed out of the Music app, signed back in, and now it shows only 12 songs on the iPhone. The Settings app now shows 13 songs on the iPhone.
I am so frustrated by this experience. I am an Apple fanboy, and cannot believe this is happening.
This happened to me this morning with a slight twist. I have several hundred songs I have been collecting on iTunes for quite some time now. I had my iPhone 6S plugged in to my car stereo and the database was being read from and playing on the stereo. I was entering a spot with poor service and dropped to no signal like every other day I go to work. That is the moment my music all disappeared. When I arrived at work I had to re-download everything. I do not have Cellular data turned on for Music. :-(
Totally happened to me today during a 12-hr road trip. 1100 songs downloaded to iPhone 6s, listening through Apple CarPlay. Stopped at rest area and suddenly all songs were deleted from device and I couldn't even access them over the air after turning cellular access back on! Made for a long road trip!This happened to me this morning with a slight twist. I have several hundred songs I have been collecting on iTunes for quite some time now. I had my iPhone 6S plugged in to my car stereo and the database was being read from and playing on the stereo. I was entering a spot with poor service and dropped to no signal like every other day I go to work. That is the moment my music all disappeared. When I arrived at work I had to re-download everything. I do not have Cellular data turned on for Music. :-(
On 9.3.1 and issue still remains- how hard can it be
This is one of the reason I'm letting my iTunes Match expire and why I still use an iPod Nano for my main music listening on the go. I just wan to listen to my music. No bells and whistles. Plus they can't beat the scroll wheel. I don't care to "touch my music".
I don't have Apple Music or iTunes Match--just all my music on a PC in iTunes. Today I went to play music from my iPhone 6 Plus and for the first time ever, my phone was empty of music. I have NO idea what happened.
Furthermore, I figured I could 'Show All Music" to at least listen to the music I purchased from iTunes that way, but even those songs do not appear.