What are the major downsides of jailbreaking?
What are the major downsides of jailbreaking?
If you don't know what you are doing and you do something careless, you could brick your iPhone/iTouch and void your warranty.
Yes, it is possible to brick a 3GS iPhone. I did that last Friday. I restored my iPhone using a previous backup. Something in that backup made my iPhone brick. The backup jailbroken and so was my restored iPhone. I think it was the aptbackup app. I used it to recover all the Cydia apps I had installed. I woke up a few hours later with a message on the phone telling me that a restore was needed that the iPhone could not make or receive calls. I restored an just got the dreaded error 23. I tried restoring it in XCode and it told me there was a radio failure. Sure, enough, there was no 3G, no edge, no WiFi and no bluetooth. All these options were greyed out in settings.
I got the phone replaced on Sunday. The Genius said he never had a phone with my problem "yet" but I've seen many on all the different message boards suddenly over the last few weeks.
Agreed. I've restored a few times now, and found AptBackup to be utterly useless. Every time I used it, it just froze, with the words 'Restoring' displayed.I had problems with AptBackup too. Fortunately I was able to recover my phone, although it took 3 hours of my life to get it back. That program is the devil! Everyone stay away from it.
Agreed. I've restored a few times now, and found AptBackup to be utterly useless. Every time I used it, it just froze, with the words 'Restoring' displayed.
Instead, I just made a Note, with all the essential jailbroken apps, files & sources, and I just install them one-by-one each time I jailbreak.
What are the major downsides of jailbreaking?
You must have discipline and not install Winterboard. Once you start with themes, status notifiers and such...performance goes bye bye!
It does? You should tell my iPhone that then.![]()
If you are running all the things i mentioned as well as homescreen and such. It's gotta be slower than stock. No way you can tell me otherwise.
If you don't know what you are doing and you do something careless, you could brick your iPhone/iTouch...
I've never heard of a complete bricking where a restore didn't work.
I have a 3gs and I have jailbroke it 3 times each time installing less things to TRY to avoid the fast battery drain. This last time all I have is
5 Icon Dock Stack
Reflective Dock
I got away from installing themes because it slows your phone down a lot but I CANNOT get away from the fast battery drain. I can't even go 12 hours without my phone dying from 100%
I got away from installing themes because it slows your phone down a lot but I CANNOT get away from the fast battery drain. I can't even go 12 hours without my phone dying from 100%
i can say for a fact that themes DO NOT slow down my phone or drain the battery. many themes are literally just replacing background images, icons, and colors... how could that possibly drain the battery?
i have dozens of jailbroken apps, no battery drain. my 3GS works as beautifully as the day i bought it. moreso, in fact, because now it's not crippled and limited by apple's features(R).
there is something wrong with your phone if your battery drains for no reason. don't restore from backup after jailbreaking... in fact, don't ever restore from backup.
if you know what you're doing there is no downside to jailbreaking.