Not sure how serious some of the posts are in this thread because no one is really being specific.
I have just become a jailbreaker and have been using my jailbroken 3GS for about a month now.
I do not regret jailbreaking, my battery life remains the same and I have not had any crashes and have 0 lag issues. All loads normally.
I used RedSn0w to jail break twice...once with 3.0 and then 3.0.1. Still no problems or issues.
I am using: LockScreen, Winterboard with iElegance and Glass Orb Color, SB Settings, Categories, MiM, FontSwap and use PkgBackup for restore. I also use BossPaper for my wallpaper changer.
I installed my jailbreak as a new iPhone to insure I did not carry over any settings from previous settings.
There is always risk and each iPhone is different and coincides with its users. I noticed more battery drain because I was always playing with my iPhone with the new found freedom. Even using my iPhone more, I only have to recharge once a day and that is every night while I sleep. Come morning its a fresh, fully charged iPhone and I am good all day.
My normal settings are: Bluetooth on, Location on, Push on, Fetch hourly on, Brightness 75%. My only difference from most users is that I do not have 3G in my area so maintain only Edge and every time I use Safari, I make sure that I close all screens when I exit.
Hope that helps some that may have problems or are on the fence.
PS...sorry drug dealers, i am not helping you because I know if you want to hack something you are going to do it without my help and no more about it then I already do. The statement above mine is totally without merit or support. Criminals will be criminals and will always find a way to break the law and do illegal stuff. Jailbreaking does NOT help them be what they already are.