ebook/news reader
i'm really hoping we'll see ebooks sold on iTunes, to be synced with the iPhone. has the perfect screen for it and touch controls are great for an ebook. iTunes could really be the store which breaks ebooks out of it's niche.
in addition, i'd like to see newspaper/magazine subscribtions purchasable on iTunes. pay $99/year or so for the New York Times. ($99 may seem like a lot, but much cheaper than subscribing to the actual paper, about $500/year) downloads into iTunes in the early AM, sync it to your iPod. includes the full paper, with the content customized to the iPhone screen, similar to
Times Reader, software currently only available for windows users which customizes the content for your screen. give me the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and The Economist and i will be a very happy man. sure, you can get all this through the web browser, but it's not as customized for the iPhone screen and not available without a data connection. downloading the full paper would be faster and readable in a subway. updates, of course, could be downloaded throughout the day.
please, apple.. give me my offline content for the iphone!