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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 8, 2007
San Antonio, Texas
If you had some say in what apps they developed for the iPhone what would you want them to make. I'm thinking either iTunes with internet radio (the first iPod with radio!) or an app that would allow you to watch TV, hmm do you think sling box will work with the iPhone?
I think it would be nice to have the iPhone be able to have voice commands like that of Leopard. What would be even better if it listened to your voice and wrote down the words!
I think it would be nice to have the iPhone be able to have voice commands like that of Leopard. What would be even better if it listened to your voice and wrote down the words!

I dunno. Not sure if I want my phone to be calling up the Royal Bank of Scotland every time I shout "f*cking c*nts" about something.
An Apple slingbox-type solution. Unfortunately it would require 3G support :(

Other things I'd like to see are a second camera with Video iChat (also 3G required), GPS would be neat but I can live without it.

I'd like to see a checkbook program, Money or Quicken or an Apple solution, even a third-party solution.
I'd like to see an ssh client. Before my Palm Tungsten C went bad on me, I had TuSSH on it and liked being able to get a command line over the WiFi connection.
ebook/news reader

i'm really hoping we'll see ebooks sold on iTunes, to be synced with the iPhone. has the perfect screen for it and touch controls are great for an ebook. iTunes could really be the store which breaks ebooks out of it's niche.

in addition, i'd like to see newspaper/magazine subscribtions purchasable on iTunes. pay $99/year or so for the New York Times. ($99 may seem like a lot, but much cheaper than subscribing to the actual paper, about $500/year) downloads into iTunes in the early AM, sync it to your iPod. includes the full paper, with the content customized to the iPhone screen, similar to Times Reader, software currently only available for windows users which customizes the content for your screen. give me the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and The Economist and i will be a very happy man. sure, you can get all this through the web browser, but it's not as customized for the iPhone screen and not available without a data connection. downloading the full paper would be faster and readable in a subway. updates, of course, could be downloaded throughout the day.

please, apple.. give me my offline content for the iphone!
Too many ppl expect this iPhone to be a minimi mac, but still

dream app?

Heroes 2, like the one for pocket pc. if possible,
Most used app on my Palm Pilot--->

An office suite. Dataviz has for some time had Documents To Go and Smart Lists To Go. Apple with the next release of iWork could produce a version for iPhone. As for a simple editable relational database...seems to me apple could do a version of Filemaker that lets you actually play with database structure and entry on the go not like the lame palm version they have produced. If apple doesn't want top do this themselves I am sure Dataviz would port there apps to I phone with some help from Apple, or maybe just when there are some iPhones out there. These apps would convince me to buy an iPhone, without them I have no use for the coolest new toy on the block.
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