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MSN Messenger (With video conversations in the 2G iPhone with front video camera), Remote Desktop Access, and MobiTV with the ability to record. :cool:

Give me a 30-pin iPod Connector to DVI/VGA cable so I can go from the iPhone to a projector in one step (and if I can sync up the phone and a projector over WiFi or Bluetooth, that would be even more amazing). Its not that I wouldn't probably have my laptop with me, its just that I'd like the option of going to a conference without a laptop bag.

As far as editing the presentations on the phone, all I'd really need is the option to hide and rearrange slides and possibly make small changes to the text (I can easily see myself catching a typo at the very last minute and needing to fix it quickly). If Apple really wanted to make life wonderful then maybe they'll let me play with the transitions.

And unless we do get WiFi projector syncing, I'll need a Bluetooth remote for clicking through those slides.

Really, I don't see myself typing a Pages/Word file on a phone, or playing with an :apple: /Excel spreadsheet. I do see myself using Keynote. I see myself using it time and time again.
  • Flash player, for some simple games, youTube, etc.
  • GPS add-on (via dock connector)
  • PDF viewer
  • blogging client with full support for camera and stored images
  • voice recorder (recording meetings, or personal voice notes)

The keynote presentation player is a good idea too. And I nicked blogging client too, but added the explicit support for posting images from the camera (or stored) as well.
I'd love to see ESPN and Apple team up and put together a really great all-inclusive sports package that makes it easy for us fans to track games, players, stats etc... OK OK maybe I can just use the web browser, nevermind:)

Good games from Apple seems far-fetched to me but I'd love to see them try.

How about something wirelessly hack into a PC computer from a distance and show a giant Apple logo on the screen with the words "Think Different" flashing slowly on the bottom.
I want newsfire which syncs with newsfire on my mac! I would also like WoW (good luck eh?) I wouldnt mind seeing some AppleTV tie in as well as a twitter widget. Man widgets thats starting a hole, like Dashflix, and the iCal todo widget, man I want an iPhone

The iPhone seriously needs integrated GPS, i.e. built in GPS receiver with downloadable maps. Nokia N95 has it and more will follow.
I can't understand why Apple didn't include that. Heck here in europe we have had GPS cellphones with external receiver for years. It is not like it is cutting edge technology.
The iPhone seriously needs integrated GPS, i.e. built in GPS receiver with downloadable maps.



Video iPod

TV tuner

AM plus FM radio


If I'm paying that much for this thing, that's what I expect.

64mb VRAM and DVI out for an APPLE LCD SCREEN!!!!
I'm really hoping for GPS capabilities. I mean come on, you have google maps built in, so why not just put one more app in there that works with it. If I can't have my GPS, then I guess I'd settle for... an app that Runs full tilt poker.

---Poker, not in demand you say? Crap, I guess i'm SOL.


Video iPod

TV tuner

AM plus FM radio


If I'm paying that much for this thing, that's what I expect.

64mb VRAM and DVI out for an APPLE LCD SCREEN!!!!
Dont you think that is a bit overkill with Video and TV tuner?
Video in a 8Gb device doesnt make that much sense to me.
TV tuner would result in a much larger device, not to mention a seriously crippled batt time. Just think about how large the smallest Eye TV is. The iPhone would become a brick.
Regarding the other requirements you have my fullest support. Especially when it comes to GPS. It is an absolute must in a device like that.
Slingbox SUPPORT!

I'd love to watch my DVR'd and Satellite feed on my iPhone.

That, and the N64 support with online Mario Kart sounds great, but my first opinion is a bit more realistic. :p
I don't see why the iPhone couldn't have TV out (considering the iPod can do it with its dock attachments), but asking for TV in/DVR is overkill. I'd rather the Mac mini / :apple: tv get that feature first.

I've seen a lot of GPS requests, and for all its possible benefits, I see it as just another thing to drain the battery. Software is one thing that Apple will surely be adding to the iPhone's Rev. A. GPS will either come as a Rev. B feature or an add-on device. GPS is not an app, per se. That said, it would be cool if the camera could geo-tag its photos with GPS data. Of course, Google Maps/traffic would benefit, as would the weather widget (somewhat).

Getting back to the Keynote app I've been dreaming of, why not let the iPhone act as a wireless remote for the presentation? You could get presenter's notes on screen or preview the next slide. Basically you could have the same Presenter Tools the desktop version of Keynote has but all in the palm of your hand. I can imagine the Multi-Touch being used for moving a virtual laser pointer "red dot" around on the slide, that way you wouldn't have to juggle both a laser and the clicker/iPhone while giving your talk. Its a thought anyway. :D
What do you mean by GPS? If you mean like directions from point A to point B, don't they already have that, shown by that video of the hidden features of the keynote presentation? Also, didn't the iPhone Steve used at Macworld have to have video out with the phone showing up on the screen. And yes a Keynote presentation tool with the ability for it to be a wireless remote would be awesome and something more conceivable to add in the next 4 months.
What do you mean by GPS? If you mean like directions from point A to point B, don't they already have that, shown by that video of the hidden features of the keynote presentation?
It's been said that there is no GPS receiver in the iPhone. That means that the location-based services, like directions, are network based. Using the network to determine location is less accurate than a SiRFstarIII, doesn't work as well outside urban areas. The biggest thing for me is that a standard GPS receiver (like the SiRFstarIII) would mean that the GPS receiver could be made available to other software running on the iPhone, or even to other devices via bluetooth.

For example, you could start a track log while you are taking pictures. When you synch your iPhone and download your pictures, you could use a simple tool (or maybe iPhoto 07?) to correlate the time you took the photos with the coordinates in the GPS track log with the same (or similar) timestamp. Boom! You have all your photos geotagged with location information.

With bluetooth in the iPhone, you could also access the GPS receiver from your MacBook and use more sophisticated mapping software.

There are lots of applications where GPS info would be useful. It would be even more useful if it was a standard GPS receiver that was also accessible to applications and over bluetooth or an iPod cable. The SiRFstarIII is being used in ASUS, Samsung, and Nokia phones already. I'd love to see it in a future iPhone.
aperture priority (or even full manual) on the camera, a small, fast zeiss or leica lens like on those high end sony ericssons, the ability to do actual editing (iPhoto adjust panel type stuff) right on the phone.
What kind of games could realistically go on the iPhone? I'd love to see Simcity (I've got it on my Palm) or maybe 2000 or 3000. I don't think anything more than the first is realistic, though. :(
i'm really hoping we'll see ebooks sold on iTunes, to be synced with the iPhone. has the perfect screen for it and touch controls are great for an ebook. iTunes could really be the store which breaks ebooks out of it's niche.

in addition, i'd like to see newspaper/magazine subscribtions purchasable on iTunes. pay $99/year or so for the New York Times. ($99 may seem like a lot, but much cheaper than subscribing to the actual paper, about $500/year) downloads into iTunes in the early AM, sync it to your iPod. includes the full paper, with the content customized to the iPhone screen, similar to Times Reader, software currently only available for windows users which customizes the content for your screen. give me the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and The Economist and i will be a very happy man. sure, you can get all this through the web browser, but it's not as customized for the iPhone screen and not available without a data connection. downloading the full paper would be faster and readable in a subway. updates, of course, could be downloaded throughout the day.

please, apple.. give me my offline content for the iphone!

This is an awesome idea. I want that.

my primary need would be Text-to-Speech (text files, pdfs, ebooks, html, email etc). This should be easy since this is already in OSX. This would be the selling point for me personally (I really need it).
I don't see why they didn't include iChat A/V with a cam on the front of the phone. Seems like a penner move to me.

I figure you should be able to record a video with that little cam in 320x240, edit it with mini-imovie, add titles and transitions and email it to someone or upload it to youtube or myspace.
Should also have mini-iphoto for photo retouching, mini-garageband for making and mixing ringtones, mini-keynote for presentations w/o a clicker and a macbook, and Microsoft Office.

Yeeeaah. :cool:
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