Might be a deal breaker for me. I am going to be streaming to at least 2 different ATV2s, if not to a 3rd one in the next few months depending on finances.
I can stream to 3 Apple TV's simultaneously with my Drobo S with no problem at all.
Might be a deal breaker for me. I am going to be streaming to at least 2 different ATV2s, if not to a 3rd one in the next few months depending on finances.
I can stream to 3 Apple TV's simultaneously with my Drobo S with no problem at all.
Drobo S is out of budget as mentioned by the OP earlier.
the Drobo is looking more and more like the way i'll go. I think I'm going to sell off a few thousand of my extra wine and try to step it up to a Drobo S. Although at least from reveiws I've read outside Macrumors the Drobo S is liked less than the regular Drobo. More research is need I guess.
Personally, I'd find it hard to justify the jump in price from the Drobo v2 to the Drobo S. It's double the price for one more bay and a slightly faster processor (something like 30% in real-world usage). That might be useful in a professional environment, but for home media server purposes I think 4 bays and a theoretical storage capacity of ~11TB is plenty.
Even though the write speed is garbage (and it is), you're only putting the media on there once. And the read speed is such that you can easily stream two 40Mbps Blu-Ray rips all day long.
It's not silent -- you've got 4 drives spinning -- but a quick check with a iPhone decibel meter app measured around 25dB. That's acceptable for me.
A quick question I have for those who own either a Synology NAS 4-bay or a Drobo 4-bay. I need at least 3 drives to get it up and going correct to run it in Raid 5, or just 2 to start it up and run it in Raid 1?
To get redundancy you need 2 drives once you add more drives the RAID config will arrange itself accordingly. I own neither but this is my understanding from extensive research.
I keep reading a lot of...not necessarily conflicting accounts, but moreso different accounts depending on the manufacturer as far as what they allow in their different products in relation to RAID. I think I'm just going to suck it up and get the 2TB TC as I can't even get close to picking out something between the Syno, Drobo, or Qnap. It is haunting me and I just want the decision to be done.
Money wise since I need 2 TB of storage, a backup, and a router I think I am just going to switch it up and get the 2TB TC which will knock out the storage and router. In addition I'll grab a 3TB Hitachi external and I'll be done. That should hold me over while I collect more funds to get a nice 5 to 8-bay NAS that costs a little more and is faster.
How is that cost effective?
Because I'm getting the same amount of storage cheaper...
for the time being yes but then you'll be upgrading to a NAS just get a NAS now.
Well with NAS not working so hot on Lion at the moment and my MBP that is in the air right now coming to me with Lion that helps. I can't afford a NAS that I want right now so I'm not going to pay $500 for something I know I don't want.
Nothing in my price range seems to get enough good praise across the board to warrant me spending that much money on something I am unsure about. I don't feel comfortable with any of the options to serve my needs in the future, so I am going to take the cheaper route for now that will work just as well. Gives me just as much storage for less.
good call I imagine you can't wait any longer.
My MBP comes tomorrow, as well as the ATV2s, PEAs, and all my ethernet cables. All I need now is another router, storage, and backup. Going to just order what I need tonight.