I'm not sure what you are trying to say here. You can take a photo out of iPhoto on the iPad and put it into the drop box on the iPad. You can open the photo in drop box, and you can export it back out of drop box
I seem to be having trouble exporting the photo out.
What I'm trying to say is. Lets say under the dropbox directory i have a folder called "photos". You store photos in there. If turn on my dropbox app, i can click on the photo to view, but i can't transfer the photo from the dropbox app to the photo directory of the ipad. (the main photo directory).
If you look at other apps, like the drawing apps, the photography apps or even goodreader, you can take picture thats in the app and if you press a button like a "copying picture to photos" comes up. It sends a copy to the photo directory.
As of right now, the Dropbox can do one thing, read. It lets me read excel files, lets me read text and lets me read photos. but i can't transfer the photos or even copy the photos from the dropbox directory to anyplace else. I would have to email the photo to myself, use the mail app to "save the picture as "
You get what i'm trying to say?
Goodreader lets me log onto the dropbox server (hopefully like office HD will do) and download the picture I want. From Goodreader, i then can take the target picture I just downloaded and transfer it to ipad photos directory.
Dropbox doesn't let me do that. If i view the files, it has to be on the server. I can't "save as" or "save a copy to"