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Thanks for the replies guys!:)

PSP - $229/2-year warranty -$39/1gb pro duo - $59/tax = $374 CAD, I think that will be good, although it's stretching the budget, I think it'll be worth it. The ability to play my songs, videos, and even my photos makes it very tempting, and it's got a large screen!.:)
I'm with the DS/Nano combo. More fun, better music, about the same price. Homebrew isn't as easy and there's no DS browser out yet, but not enough to sway me...

and if the browser is a big deal, don't forget that Opera should eventually be available for the DS. It's going to be out in Japan pretty soon, and while I'm not sure when "eventually" is in the US, from the demo videos it will be MUCH better than the PSP's browser, simply because of the dual screens and stylus--the lower screen shows a shrunken version of the whole page, and you use the stylus to drag around a box that is zoomed in on the upper screen. Or (I think) you can display the page stretched across both screens for more vertical view.

Just looks like it'll be way easier to use than the PSP's browser, so if I actually cared about browsing on my handheld and didn't need the browsing capability RIGHT NOW, I'd much rather wait.

[Edit: Whoops, you posted while I was typing. Suppose if the PSP does what you want, it's the best option. Have fun!]
I'm just worried about what would happen if I decided to downgrade and bricked my PSP. The thought scares me.:(

What are the chances of bricking a PSP if it's the right one to downgrade like 2.60 without that TA-083 thingy?

Thanks for the help so far guys!
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