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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 23, 2009
Here is confirmation that DSGi (PC World, Currys, and Dixons) will be stocking the iPad in the UK for an exclusive 60 day period.

PC World, christ I hate that shop. Just an endless annoyance in every way. This might be a useless rant but Im really glad I pre-ordered with Apple.
I didn't know that DSG (Dixons Stores Group) // PC World still actually sold PCs. Shops seem to be filled with TVs these days. Personally I look forward to Best Buy coming over and making money out of us - they certainly cannot be worse than DSG or Comets.
Yea, the first Best Buy opened about 2 weeks in Lakeside, didn't it?
Personally I look forward to Best Buy coming over and making money out of us - they certainly cannot be worse than DSG or Comets.

Trust me, they can. Oh yes. Just don't get your hopes up. Best Buy use to be a great store until they went on a massive expansion binge about a decade ago. Now their prices are ridiculous and service non-existent.
Sheesh my local PC World has the most miserable Apple section I have ever seen. It's an insult to Apple. Still if there is money in it they will sniff it out.
Trust me, they can. Oh yes. Just don't get your hopes up. Best Buy use to be a great store until they went on a massive expansion binge about a decade ago. Now their prices are ridiculous and service non-existent.

I second this. I used to work at one and can attest that Best Buy is one of the worst companies ever if you are looking for good customer service. I didn't work the floor, so you don't have to say "Well, with employees like you, I wonder why they suck!" ;)
You buy an iPad. One week later it dies. You take it back. Apple or PC World. Which would give you a replacement and which would give you an argument.
Yea, the first Best Buy opened about 2 weeks in Lakeside, didn't it?

I think it did. I am going past there tomorrow, I think I drop in for a look. Best Buy is always on the visit list when we are in the USA - and in reply to our US friends, BB is great for customer service in comparison.
Trust me, they can. Oh yes. Just don't get your hopes up. Best Buy use to be a great store until they went on a massive expansion binge about a decade ago. Now their prices are ridiculous and service non-existent.

trying to buy a tv from these jerks is the WORST(best) example of what you posted. useless kids who know NOTHING about anything trying to sell you a tv that has a price tag on average of about $200 more than most other retailers. :mad:

only thing i use BB for now days is just phones because that sweet instant rebate. service still sucks for that though.
I wouldn't buy anything from DSG, even if they were the last store on earth.

I'm with you. I just don't get them as a company. They can have items at one price in one store and a different price in another (or on the internet) and will not price match. They then try and sell overpriced protection and damage cover.
in my opinion pcworld isnt much better!!! the service is as bad as their manners

you should hear the way they speak to my mrs, some even calling her a c-word :eek::eek:

thats the problem with having your staff aged 18-25, i can imagine the churn rates are rather high for their staff
Sheesh my local PC World has the most miserable Apple section I have ever seen. It's an insult to Apple. Still if there is money in it they will sniff it out.

I suspect that it will only be in the refurbished PC Worlds which have a dedicated Apple section.
The only store I would buy Apple products from, other than Apple themselves, is John Lewis. I won't buy from PC World et al, it's not that serious...
The only store I would buy Apple products from, other than Apple themselves, is John Lewis. I won't buy from PC World et al, it's not that serious...

I second that. Apple or John Lewis. Wouldn't buy from anywhere else. John Lewis are amazing.
And John Lewis stood by Apple through their wilderness years, unlike DSG. That loyalty deserves some of ours in return.
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