I sense the same snooty attitude on both dpreview as I do at high end camera stores. The NEX is a fabulous camera system, same sensor as some Nikon cameras.
The only thing they're not as good at is super fast accurate focusing e.g sports, this is where having a dedicated phase sensor excels. IMHO this gap will vanish as sensor technology improves.
What a lot of snooty posters do is pick whatever capability a camera is weakest at (and no camera is perfect at everything) and use it as a reason why that camera is a piece of crap and you shouldn't buy it. (Naturally, they own a different camera.) On the one hand, if your primary interest is high-speed sports photography, then you should read the reviews and see which cameras are best for that. The same is true if your primary interest is taking hand-held shots in low light at high ISOs, and you want as little noise as possible. But for most of us hobbyists who like to shoot a lot of different types of subjects, most of the major brands and models are more than good enough. One snooty attitude I get tired of is, "Camera X is okay, and it probably could take 99% of the shots you want to take, but you're going to regret not getting those other 1%, so you're foolish if you don't spend the extra $1,000 for Camera Y."