I thought i should put some of my images in this topic to show that a PnS camera
doesn't have to produce inferior images.
my scale these photographs are good and i like them, others my think different and see some problems here or there, be it composition or technical.
Anyway, if you don't want to see them,
scroll down there is some
more text on topic.
The camera used was a
Sony DSC-P9 from the year
2002. Quick Specs.: 4MP, ISO100-400, f/2.8-5.6 | 39-117mm (equiv.) lens
And here are some Shot with an old, used (means: cheap) 50mm Lens held infront:
My personal Background:
dec. 2002 to feb. 2007 (about 4 years!) my primary camera was the Sony DSC-P9 and it didn't even belong to me. Basically I learned most things I know about photography during this time period using said camera. My findings are (and they are true for me today), that it does so not matter what camera you have, you have to know it's weak points, it's strong points and it's limitations.
For the P9 these were:
+try not to use anything higher than ISO200.
+Only use full zoom when absolutely neccesary.
+If light levels were low, either turn on some light or use a tripod
+Macro photogrpahy only with lens held infrot, requires very high levels of light.
+Be prepared for photos, as it operated only slowly (by todays standards)
Then at the end of 2006 I was feeling severly limited by the camera as it could't bring me any further. Before that point the limiting factor was me, but I had a huge rush of photo-ideas coming of which only 10% could have been taken with the P9.
Then I started researching into DSLRs and finally got me one in Feb. 2007.
What I am trying to say:
If you already know photography very well or you are being severely limited by your current camera then, and only then, go out and lay some cash on a camera that is several steps above your current one, so you can grow into that on again.
But If you're a starter, haven't fully milked the potential of your current camera or just want a DSLR to 'show off' then stay with your current one or get a PnS
have a nice day.