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Original poster
Aug 11, 2016
Hi guys I got my hands of a dummy of the upcoming iPhone and thought I should share some pics!

It clearly just looks like the iPhone 6(S) + in most ways at a quick inspection

However obviously no headphone jack, the horrors!!!!

The antennas are now wrapped round the top and bottom sides of the phone rather than bands on the back
With the apple logo a lot more shinier than I remember

Of course here we have the new dual sensor camera which should hopefully turn out to be great but does mean we need to get new cases for our phones as I doubt they will fit, need to check on that!

Finally a side angle showing that the phone is same on the side (on the other-side it is exactly the same as the iPhone 6(S) + too).
Thanks and leave your thoughts down below and suggest any ideas I can do with the dummy!
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Aug 11, 2016
Hopefully some accessories come out soon and give us an indication of the full size incase the dummies have a mm or two off. Orzly may be the first since they came out with the op3 cases first, so time will tell I guess


Original poster
Aug 11, 2016
That it's not a traditional button. It provides force feedback like 3D Touch and has pressure sensitivity, but doesn't press down.
yeah well this is definitely traditional but who knows if apple wanted to show it or not


Original poster
Aug 11, 2016
I'm thinking of getting some cases, maybe old iPhone 6 Plus ones and preordering a whole bunch of new ones


macrumors 68020
Jun 27, 2011
Why is apple so against putting those bezels on a diet? I'm not even asking for a big reduction. I wish those top and bottom bezels were just a little bit smaller.
Last edited:

the future

macrumors 68040
Jul 17, 2002
Yeah, bezels, the final frontier of "innovation", apparently. Nevermind performance, ecosystem, synergy, security, privacy. It's all about them bezels.

This place (Macrumors) has really gone to the dogs.


macrumors regular
Jul 20, 2016
United Kingdom
Yeah, bezels, the final frontier of "innovation", apparently. Nevermind performance, ecosystem, synergy, security, privacy. It's all about them bezels.

This place (Macrumors) has really gone to the dogs.

I'd say you can care about how the phone looks and the performance, security, ecosystem & privacy of the phone at the same time! :)

Though from someone who works in Mobile Retail, most of the consumers really only care that they're new iPhone looks different to everyone else's, so they can show that they're superior for having the better phone.
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