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macrumors 68040
Apr 7, 2008
Flea Bottom, King's Landing
Do we know how could Arrakis, a planet with no trees and no technology have breathable air?
Liet Kynes explains it in the first book. Sandworms produces the oxygen in the atmosphere.
Even shai-hulud had a place in the charts. He must never be destroyed, else spice wealth would end. But his inner digestive “factory,” with its enormous concentrations of aldehydes and acids, was a giant source of oxygen. A medium worm (about 200 meters long) discharged into the atmosphere as much oxygen as ten square kilometers of green-growing photosynthesis surface.
Shai-hulud is what the Fremen call the sandworms.
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Feb 1, 2010
Cheyenne, Wyoming
I never read those (read the original trilogy written by Frank Herbert) what is your take on them?
Very good, Frank Herbert had extensive notes and unfinished manuscripts which Brian, and Kevin fleshed out. Of course Brian grew up with his father so there was inside knowledge imparted there as well. The way the 2 finished out the original story arc is impressive. The "House Trilogy books really filled in what Frank Herbert never had a chance to do. In "House Harkonnen" you learn just how evil it is. I am sure Denis Villeneuve was inspired by this book in his vision of the Harkonnens.
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macrumors 604
Mar 3, 2010
Very good, Frank Herbert had extensive notes and unfinished manuscripts which Brian, and Kevin fleshed out. Of course Brian grew up with his father so there was inside knowledge imparted there as well. The way the 2 finished out the original story arc is impressive. The "House Trilogy books really filled in what Frank Herbert never had a chance to do. In House trilogy book "House Harkonnen" you learn just how evil it is. I am sure Denis Villeneuve was inspired by this book in his vision of the Harkonnens.
I particularly enjoyed the Butlerian Jihad’s trilogy. As for the Great Houses trilogy, I remember finding the Atreides book okay-ish but the last two books pretty great.
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Feb 1, 2010
Cheyenne, Wyoming
The thing that is hinted in the Frank's books, the memories of past lives, is brought forward in the Brian, and Kevin's additions. When you are essentially immortal returning as a golem with full memories of your past life, this makes life really cheap knowing that as long as there are genetic samples anyone can be returned, in a technological form of reincarnation. This fact is a theme is so unique to the Dune universe.
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Feb 1, 2010
Cheyenne, Wyoming
What I am so interested in seeing. The Universe is vast and given Frank Herbert's additional volumes and what Brian, and Kevin are doing the movies franchise can go on for many years into the future. As long a it does not get ruined like Star Wars, and Star Trek have been.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
This is what I wrote after viewing this movie on release:

Dune (2021)- This is 10 times the original on many levels, some great visuals. I like character portrayals, and I got a few thrill chills comparing this in my mind to the original.

But ultimately, i have issues with the tempo for which I blame the director. I found it to be an oppressive atmosphere throughout with constant droning music, portending doom, and maybe because it is being made into 2 movies, as it hit all the plot points, it felt like it dragged.

At the end of this viewing, I’m asking myself, do I want to do a repeat watch, and the answer is eh, was there any truly memorable sequences? No, which means I am disappointed. What I want is to be carried along so I am unaware of the time. I’ll understand if there is disagreement. Maybe it’s an extraordinarily difficult story to turn into film? ?

I rewatched it this afternoon and stand humbly before you to say this is a great movie. 😳

The oppressive music I complained about in 2021. That was a theater issue. This time, everything held my interest, the intrique which might have been explained better (as to why The Emperor would set up House Atreides), I read the book multiple times so I know. The prophesy was significant, and the short knife fight assuring Atreides acceptance as Freemen gave me a shiver because of the skill and it’s magnitude, even if it is Hollywood make believe. :)

My understating is a 2024 release for Part 2.


macrumors G5
Jan 9, 2008
Sunny, Southern California
This is what I wrote after viewing this movie on release:

I rewatched it this afternoon and stand humbly before you to say this is a great movie. 😳

The oppressive music I complained about in 2021. That was a theater issue. This time, everything held my interest, the intrique which might have been explained better (as to why The Emperor would set up House Atreides), I read the book multiple times so I know. The prophesy was significant, and the short knife fight assuring Atreides acceptance as Freemen gave me a shiver because of the skill and it’s magnitude, even if it is Hollywood make believe. :)

My understating is a 2024 release for Part 2.

Correct, it was originally coming out in Nov of 23, but has been moved to March 15, 2024. I know it is only a few months, but man I am so looking forward to part two that I was pretty bummed when it was moved.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
For anyone who has a Netflix subscription, the new Dune Pt1 has been playing there and I think today is the last day if you don’t by chance, have a copy of it, or don’t want to pay to rent it, but want to watch it again. Yesterday Amazon had the streaming version of it on sale for $7.

I’ve read at least one report about how Dune Pt2 is amazing. Fingers crossed. 😃 I watched the original for the third time and recognize its worthiness.
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macrumors 601
Jan 14, 2002
totally cool
It’s been a while since I read the book. I was wondering has anyone kept track of any major divergences between the book this latest movie?
It can't be verbatim but there are differences everywhere. But its gets strange and creepy after Jessica takes the water of life.

Most importantly Denis hit all the right moments and emotion. For a story thats close to my heart and that I grew up with the story telling is done with care a respect.

I'll definitely see it again.

Protip: I wouldn't drink much soda or icee during the movie unless you have an extra large bladder
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macrumors G5
Jan 9, 2008
Sunny, Southern California
It can't be verbatim but there are differences everywhere. But its gets strange and creepy after Jessica takes the water of life.

Most importantly Denis hit all the right moments and emotion. For a story thats close to my heart and that I grew up with the story telling is done with care a respect.

I'll definitely see it again.

Protip: I wouldn't drink much soda or icee during the movie unless you have an extra large bladder

Isn't this the truth!

I really liked it and while I read it a few years ago, I felt like you, that he hit the "right" moments and emotion of the book and it carried over to the big screen.

While I haven't read book two... I can see how the ending sets up the second book, or which every book they decide to go with.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 4, 2023
Long Beach, California
I haven't seen the films yet, though I am currently in the middle of reading Children of Dune.

I know the films are based on the first book, so I should probably get around to seeing them. I do enjoy the books, but it can be difficult to imagine the way this complex world works from text alone. I'm fascinated to see a visual interpretation and how much it aligns with what I've been picturing in my mind as I read the books.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 7, 2008
Flea Bottom, King's Landing
While I haven't read book two... I can see how the ending sets up the second book, or which every book they decide to go with.
Book 2 wouldn't make for an interesting movie. There isn't much action, just a lot of deep thoughts. Skip straight to Book 3 (Children), oh hail yeah. Alia is the villain who could hand Paul his butt on a platter.
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