So a friend of mine at work had a broken laptop. It had recently died and she was out a computer and what not. So we found her a new Dell (I tried to get her to switch) and it was all good. So I told her she might be able to make some cash back on eBay for the laptop. The trouble begins...
I put it up, it sells in a day. Then buyer tells me I want to pay with a money order. Now, this is fine. But I specifically ask those who want to pay with money order to contact me beforehand so we can discuss things. He did not do this.
I asked him if he could pay with paypal as that would be faster. He says it would take longer, and thought it was a problem that I asked him to use paypal. I said ok to the M/O and let him know it would not ship til it cleared.
So, I get the money order and pop it in the bank. He doesn't give you time to let him know the status. He simply emails you and threathens to leave negative feedback because you didnt let him know what you had for breakfast.
So when he emailed me, i let him know that the money order was here and the bank was processing it. A few days go by (it was the weekend) and he emails again saying that a M/O is basically guaranteed I am going to leave negative feedback blah blah. That afternoon the M/O had cleared and the item was shipped. Yet he wanted to complain that I am not professional and he said this and I quote "Us poor people like too know where our pennies are."
Now, I have a good track recored on eBay. And I have sold items totalling well over $1000, so his $270 was rather small in comparison. And mind you, no one has ever given me a negative or has been dissatisfied with my service.
Now, yesterday he recieves the broken laptop. And he says it doesn't work. No sh*t! I mean, in the auction I stated AS-IS. I said that I wasn't sure what was wrong with it. So now of course he threatens to take legal action if I don't let him send it back for a refund. Insane.
I emailed eBay already, but what would you guys do in this situation? I knew from his first message that he would be a complete douche bag. I should have cancelled his bid, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt besides him being a jerk.
Sorry for the long read, at least it makes sense...