The issue I'm struggling with is how to make my eGPU (Razer Core X with Sapphire Radeon 580) drive the LG Ultrafine 5K. I also have an LG 4K plugged into the displayport on the Core X. No matter how I arrange the TB3 connectors on my Mac Mini, nor how I arrange displays (e.g., designate the 4K as the primary), nor checking the "Prefer eGPU" check box in get info, for many purposes, I just cannot get the 5K to use the eGPU.
This has resulted in sluggish/choppy UI issues, where as the 4K is smooth. For instance, popping open the download dock folder is one example where the difference between the two displays is pretty clear.
Anyone have any suggestions? Or is this just a failed attempt unless I go for the Blackmagic (and do I need the Pro?) or the Akitio + a TB3 card? The latter, I understand, has it's own issues in terms of limited functionality like brightness control.