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I dont think the developer is a genius or smart in anyway .. are you smart if you do something illegal ... i dont think so ...
Curious. Why do you say it was illegal?

Here is the listing. Please show me any misrepresentation or anything illegal with the listing.


  • I Am Rich.jpg
    I Am Rich.jpg
    41.5 KB · Views: 192
I have no doubt that Apple will reverse these purchases. I've been refunded before, and if memory serves, there was an option to request assistance for when you've accidentally purchased something.
Just because you can trick stupid people, that doesn't mean you should.

I'm glad Apple pulled the app. The developer agreement states that Apple has that right and can exercise it for basically any reason. In this case the app was barely an app at all and it generated a non-trivial amount of negative press that detracted from the reputation of the app store.

Can you imagine how much outrage there would be if an app like this had been produced by Apple or Microsoft? They'd never live it down. Why is it any more reasonable coming from an ISV?

Someone suggested that by pulling the app we are somehow heading down the road to a "nanny state," but I can't figure out where they're getting the "state" part. Certainly we can agree that Apple has the right to look out for it's own brands and the quality of it's own goods and services, right? I'm sure quite a few people at Apple (including shareholders) would be hesitant to profit from this kind of snake oil. They needed to draw a line somewhere and this seems like a good place to do it. There are so many great apps that are plainly more deserving of the attention and the money. I mean holy crap... have you seen BeatMaker?
All this back and forth with EricNau. Eric is 100% right.

Sure, the app was funny. Yes, idiots may deserve to lose their money. And absolutely the app was not dishonest or a scam. It may even be possible that some of the 8 chose to buy the app knowing full well what it was (though I suspect all 8 probably made a stupid mistake).

All of that is irrelevant if the app makes Apple look bad. And if there is any doubt, just look at the reviews the app got. Obviously it's down now, but it was several hundred 1-star reviews from people complaining about Apple and/or the developer. There were positive reviews from those that found it funny, but these were by far the minority.

I guess anytime we don't like something at the online store we should give it a low rating. Maybe we should all go over and give the Mac Mini 1 star. I wonder if they would take it down.
This app was a a money trap. Sold with intent to get people's money and not to provide and real goods or services. Very sneaky and deceitful. I hope those 8 people can put a stop payment on their credit cards.

When I read this comment I thought it said "monkey trap" at which I would have responded... How in the world could this be a monkey trap. There's no transactions when they get caught and the monkeys don't complain - they just scratch themselves. My bad. :rolleyes:
Somehow I can't refrain from thinking about how much good that money could do if it was donated to a trustworthy charity instead of spent on a useless app.

/ righteousness.
I'M sad they pulled this app

One more feature of the iPhone that apple won't let you exploit, IT MAKES YOU RICH!!! and only for the low cost of $999.99. Being rich is definitely worth 1000 bucks. I mean think about it. 1000 bucks makes you rich instantly. Thumbs down to you Mr. Jobs for not helping the middle class,:(
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