Upon further review...
I've just looked at the actual EyeTV file and it seems to have the same glitches. Therefore, I suspect the problem has little to do with the export process, format, etc. Rather, I am suspecting (as did many others here) that it is the inherent limitation of the EyeTV acquisition/setup. Frustrating... was very excited initially. I suspect I will be moving to a HD download/streaming pay model rather than trying to record a personal use library...

I've just looked at the actual EyeTV file and it seems to have the same glitches. Therefore, I suspect the problem has little to do with the export process, format, etc. Rather, I am suspecting (as did many others here) that it is the inherent limitation of the EyeTV acquisition/setup. Frustrating... was very excited initially. I suspect I will be moving to a HD download/streaming pay model rather than trying to record a personal use library...